The intelligent production process of the domestic highest size fabricated retaining wall passed the acceptance


On January 20, in the domestic production base of the highest size fabricated retaining wall, the intelligent production process of the fabricated retaining wall of the Shenzhen-Shantou West Expressway Reconstruction and Expansion Project of China Railway 25th Bureau passed the inspection and acceptance of the expert group and entered the stage of mass production. This acceleration will speed up the "Smart New Expansion" process of the Shenshan West Expressway, and provide a useful reference for the same type of domestic construction in the future.

In the past, my country had small prefabricated retaining walls with a height of no more than 2 meters in municipal and water conservancy projects. In Japan, there have been cases of prefabricated retaining walls with a height of less than 5 meters. The intelligent production base of assembled retaining walls that passed the inspection can produce retaining walls with a maximum height of 8 meters. It is suitable for the construction of retaining walls with relatively high subgrade filling. It is currently the highest size in prefabricated retaining wall technology at home and abroad, and is at the leading level in the industry.

The TJ3 standard for the reconstruction and expansion of the Shenshan West Expressway undertaken by the 25th Bureau of China Railways is located in Huizhou City. The main construction content is a 10.9-kilometer main line and a newly built Interchange in Daya Bay New Area. Among them, the prefabricated retaining wall intelligent production base has a total area of 2,625 square meters and can produce various retaining walls with a height of 2 to 8 meters. The maximum weight of a single retaining wall is about 20 tons, and the maximum daily output can reach 42 pieces. It is planned to provide nearly 10,000 meters of various types of retaining walls for the entire line of the Shenshan West Expressway reconstruction and expansion project.

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