The largest single-faced concrete building in China is about to be completed!


On the banks of the Han River and Moon Lake, a white terraced building seems to "grow out" from the ground, blending with the surrounding landscape naturally...This is the "picture" the reporter saw with his own eyes at the construction site of Wuhan Qintai Art Museum recently.

"Qintai Art Museum is currently the largest single civil building of fair-faced concrete in China, and it is also the world's first complex hyperboloid fair-faced fair-faced concrete building with a landscape style. The total construction area of the project is about 43,000 square meters, divided into one basement and two above ground. " According to the relevant person in charge of the general contracting company of China Construction Third Bureau of the construction party, in order to highlight the beauty of the original ecology, the Qintai Art Museum is constructed with fair-faced concrete. The surface of the building, which is completely free of Fendai, is grayish-white and greenish, blending with the surrounding natural scenery.

On-site construction technicians told reporters that fair-faced concrete buildings eliminate the need for cumbersome processes such as brickwork, paint, and veneer, but the construction technology is more difficult and process requirements are higher, and the on-site pouring needs to be formed at one time without graininess and cracks. In order to formulate fair-faced concrete with a natural and beautiful texture and make it smooth and delicate like baby skin, the builders found the best material ratio after hundreds of attempts. After rigorous inspection, a dedicated production line of a professional concrete company was finally determined for production, and full quality control of the source of materials was carried out.

It is understood that the basement exhibition hall and above-ground structure of Qintai Art Museum are all made of fair-faced concrete, with a usable area of 60,000 square meters.

Walking into the Qintai Art Museum, which was undergoing renovation, the reporter noticed that there were almost no pipelines in the entire building. It turned out that in order not to destroy the well-designed spatial layout and the emotional atmosphere brought by fair-faced concrete, the designer set up a 40 cm wide space between the two fair-faced concrete walls. Integrate most of the vertical pipelines and air ducts into this cavity to satisfy the building's use function while leaving only the space for pure fair-faced concrete indoors.

Outside the pavilion, I saw the white "terraces" shining brightly in the sun. "The strange and rare roof structure shape is another difficulty in construction." The person in charge of the China Construction Third Engineering Bureau explained that the Qintai Art Museum adopts a "terraced hill" roof design, which is constructed from a series of "terraces". The edge of the roof hangs down to the "foot of the mountain", almost equal to the water surface of Moon Lake. The peculiar shape derives a large-span hyperboloid roof covering more than 20,000 square meters. The curvature of any area is inconsistent and there is no law to follow. In order to overcome this difficulty, the project department specially built a visual three-dimensional model to accurately determine the elevation of each honeycomb multi-ribbed beam through BIM technology, imitating complex and changeable mountain shapes. On the roof, there are circles of terraces formed by the inverted contours of the contours, with varying linear shapes and tens of thousands of positioning points. In order to achieve a smooth transition of the curved surface, a lofting robot was used in the construction, and finally the main structure construction task was completed as scheduled.

It is reported that the Qintai Art Museum, which is undergoing intensive renovation and construction, will be completed and put into use within this year. By then, the museum will serve as an important cultural building in the Yuehu area of the Hanjiang River in Wuhan's "Two Rivers and Four Banks" urban strategy, adding a landmark building and a place for citizens to "check in" the Hanyang Zhiyin Cultural Scenic Spot. At the same time, it will further satisfy the citizens' pursuit of cultural and artistic life, and at the same time attract more outstanding artistic talents and internationally renowned artists to come to Han for exchanges and cooperation.

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