Xinjiang will encourage and promote the full renovation of new commercial housing in 2021


On January 21, the reporter learned from the video and telephone conference on housing and urban-rural construction and civil air defense work in the autonomous region that this year, Xinjiang will further promote energy-saving and emission reduction in housing and urban-rural construction, and establish a green housing user supervision mechanism through the implementation of green building creation actions. Improve the green building evaluation, certification and labeling management system, promote the full implementation of green building standards in new buildings, and start public buildings to implement 75% energy-saving standards. Actively promote the application of green building materials, vigorously promote the application of new technologies such as building insulation and structural integration, and release the "prohibited and restricted push" product catalog. Speed up the development of prefabricated buildings, and promote their use in government investment projects, public buildings and commercial housing development projects. Encourage and promote the complete decoration of newly-built commercial housing and continuously improve the quality of housing.

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