Prefabricated buildings in Qingdao, Shandong Province will account for "half of the city" in 2023


A few days ago, Qingdao City issued the "Notice on Several Policies and Measures to Promote the Development of Prefabricated Buildings" to promote the development of prefabricated buildings with policy support. It is mentioned that by 2023, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in Qingdao will reach 50%. It is required that public works and old city and old village reconstruction projects in the main urban area, as well as government-invested construction projects such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and housing for talents, should be constructed with prefabricated buildings.

The "Notice" mentioned that various districts and cities should improve the incentive and restrictive policies for the development of prefabricated buildings. Newly built civil buildings should arrange for a certain proportion of projects to adopt prefabricated buildings, and increase the proportion of prefabricated buildings year by year to reach 50% by 2023. "In other words, by 2023, half of the newly-started civil construction projects in Qingdao that year will be prefabricated buildings, and this proportion is among the highest in the country." The relevant staff of Qingdao Building Energy Conservation and Industrialization Development Center told reporters.

The "Notice" clearly stated that the construction fee reduction and exemption for prefabricated buildings, including the exemption of construction waste disposal fees for qualified prefabricated buildings, can be reduced by half of the migrant worker wage deposit. For buildings using prefabricated exterior wall technology products, the prefabricated exterior wall construction area does not exceed 3% of the planned total construction area, and is not included in the building volume ratio. In addition, prefabricated buildings are also given preferential policies in terms of construction and sales. For example, for eligible prefabricated buildings, their participating units will be awarded bonus points in the credit assessment of market entities, and pre-sales can be processed in advance. Those who apply for provident fund loans to purchase prefabricated buildings can queue up first when the funding plan is tight. Encourage financial institutions to increase credit support for the prefabricated construction industry. Tilt in terms of loan quota, loan term and loan interest rate.

At the same time, financial rewards will be given to outstanding prefabricated buildings. For industrialization projects with a high prefabrication rate of single buildings and demonstration significance, financial policy subsidies will be given according to regulations. Manufacturers of parts and components that conform to the catalog of new wall materials can enjoy the preferential policy of VAT refund upon collection according to regulations. Encourage qualified prefabricated construction enterprises to declare high-tech enterprises, and fully implement policies such as the deduction of enterprise R&D expenses and tax incentives for high-tech enterprises.

As the first city in the province to adopt prefabricated building evaluation, in recent years, Qingdao’s prefabricated building promotion work has been in the forefront of the country. From design, production to construction and installation, Qingdao has already achieved the full chain of prefabricated building industry.

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