Hainan Province uses prefabricated as a starting point to carry out green building creation actions



The reporter recently learned from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hainan Province that Hainan Province adheres to the green development concept of ecological priority, takes prefabrication as the starting point to carry out green building creation actions, and accelerates the promotion of high-quality green building development in Hainan Province. The green building creation action proposes that by 2022, the area of green buildings in new urban buildings in the province will reach 70%.

According to reports, Hainan Province has formulated the "14th Five-Year Plan" for green buildings (prefabricated buildings) to scientifically determine the province's green building development goals. The plan proposes that by 2022, the proportion of green buildings in the new urban buildings in the province will reach 70%. Among them, Haikou City and Sanya City accounted for 80%, other cities (counties, autonomous counties) accounted for 60%, and star-rated green buildings continued to increase.

The green building creation action will actively develop ultra-low-energy buildings and nearly zero-energy buildings throughout the province, and solidly promote the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings. By 2022, the province's implementation of complete and upgraded old community renovation projects and public building energy-saving renovation projects must meet the requirements of current energy-saving design standards. In addition, the province's prefabricated construction methods will be comprehensively upgraded. By 2022, all newly constructed buildings that meet the requirements will be constructed in the prefabricated manner in principle. Our province will also promote the green renovation of existing green buildings, and promote the application of renewable energy buildings, so that the application of green building materials will be further expanded, and the health of residences will continue to be improved. The supervision mechanism for users of green housing is gradually established, forming a social atmosphere that advocates green living.

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