The production line of Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Decoration Industrial Park opens up a new model of intelligent transformation of the prefabricated decoration industry chain


On December 30th, the launching ceremony of the production line of Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Decoration Industrial Park was held in the gathering area of Tongxu County Industrial Park, Kaifeng City. Su Dechao, Director of Kaifeng Industry and Information Bureau, Cheng Zhongmin, Director of Kaifeng Commerce Bureau, and Zhang Yuntao, Deputy Secretary of Tongxu County Committee and County Mayor, attended the launching ceremony. More than 200 people including representatives of strategic cooperative enterprises and news media representatives participated in the event.

Zhang Yuntao said in his speech that the key industrial chain of modern home furnishing is one of the emerging industrial advantageous industrial chains meticulously built by Kaifeng. Following Drawin Decoration Wood Factory and Industrial Worker Training School, another important link in Drawin Group's prefabricated decoration industry chain-Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Decoration Industrial Park has been implemented in Tongxu, which is of great significance to Tongxu County's economic development and industrial transformation. .

It is understood that the Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Decoration Industrial Park is a key investment promotion project of Kaifeng City Government and Tongxu County Government in 2020. The industrial park covers an area of 200 acres. The contract was signed in May of this year, construction started in October, and the production line was put into operation in December. The construction of a smart aluminum veneer factory, a smart system door and window factory, a smart home factory and a BIM assembly technology research and development center.

Guo Weiqiang said that Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing Decoration Industrial Park is the first high-tech demonstration park built by Drawin Group focusing on prefabricated decoration. The park is based on automation equipment and digital management system as the core. It relies on five digital management systems such as ERP system, product standardization design system, MES production management system, and smart factory management system. Taking 5G+AI quality inspection as the entry point, through the application of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, to create a digital management system based on the Internet of Things. With the support of the management system and intelligent equipment technology, Drawin Intelligent Manufacturing and Decoration Industrial Park has not only realized the digital and intelligent upgrade of the production process, but also successfully realized the first "black light factory" (I.e. unmanned and intelligent) in China. At the same time, it has the advantages of zero formaldehyde, zero pollution, no additional items, no replenishment orders, short construction period, and reduced construction waste.

At the kick-off meeting, Drawin Group officially signed contracts with Siasun Robotics Company, China Mobile Kaifeng Branch, China Unicom Tongxu Branch, Huida Holding Group, Henan Second Construction Group, and China National Economic and Economic Association Zilong International Logistics.

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