The precast glue-splicing continuous beam of cross-tide Baixinhe bridge segment closed successfully



A few days ago, the important control node of the Jingtang Railway - the prefabricated glued continuous beams of the Cross-tide Baixinhe Bridge segment closed successfully ( as shown in the picture ).


The Cross-tide Baixinhe Bridge is located in Baodi District, Tianjin, with a total length of 1 km. The segmental precast glue-splicing construction technology is jointly undertaken by China Railway 24th Bureau Group CO.,LTD. and China Railway Fifth Survey And Design Institute Group CO.,LTD. to implement special construction and scientific research practice tasks. This technology has the advantages of high operation efficiency, short construction period, low safety risk, and small environmental impact. The Jingtang Railway has a total length of 148.7 kilometers and a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

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