Fujian | Green building area completed in 2020, Fuzhou City ranks first in the province



In 2020, the green building area of newly-built civil buildings in cities and towns in the province will account for 77.78%. Fuzhou will complete 1,271 square meters in 2020, and the volume of green buildings will rank first in the province. According to the Fujian Provincial Green Building Initiative Implementation Plan, by 2022, the proportion of green building area in newly built civil buildings in cities and towns in the province will reach 75%.

"Four sections and one environmental protection" reflect health performance

Green building is a relatively professional concept, including the requirements of "four sections and one environmental protection", that is, "energy saving, land saving, water saving, material saving and environmental protection", which is one of the highest standards in civil buildings.

The so-called civil buildings include not only our residential houses, but also public buildings closely related to the lives of citizens.

According to data released by the Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Fujian Province has vigorously promoted green buildings, established a sound local standard system and management mechanism for green buildings, and built a total of 178 million square meters of green buildings. At the same time, Fujian Province also regulates the management of green building evaluation labels, and has obtained a total of 408 green building label projects with a label area of 53.21 million square meters, including 136 two-star label projects and 19 three-star label projects. Among the highest-level three-star logo buildings, there are the well-known Fuzhou Strait Culture and Art Center and Fuzhou Planning and Design Institute.

Fujian Province exceeds its green building target in 2020

According to the 2020 target, the proportion of green buildings in the newly-built urban buildings in the Hepingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone of various districts and cities across the province will reach more than 65%. According to the statistics of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in 2020, the total area of civil buildings completed in cities and towns in Fujian Province is 70.18 million square meters, of which 54.58 million square meters meet the green building standard, and green building area accounts for 77.78%. The total area of civil buildings completed in Fuzhou is 1,723 square meters, of which 1,271 square meters are green buildings, the largest in the province.

Fujian Province has also promoted the improvement of building energy efficiency, focusing on office, school, hospital, hotel and other projects, and vigorously promoted the implementation of contract energy management.

The energy-saving renovation of public buildings has completed 1.2198 million square meters of renovation annually. In the renovation of old communities in cities and towns, green energy-saving renovations such as energy-saving doors and windows, building shading, high-efficiency lighting, and roof insulation are also carried out. The annual energy-saving renovation of residential buildings covers an area of 926,500 square meters.

According to relevant departments of the Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Fujian Province will carry out in-depth green building creation actions and strengthen fiscal, financial, planning, and construction policy support. Promote the full implementation of green building standards in new buildings, increase the proportion of green buildings in new urban buildings, and raise the green rating of government investment projects and large public buildings.

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