Green construction work in Dongying City has achieved remarkable results


In 2020, Dongying City will focus on the new strategic requirements for accelerating the construction of ecological civilization, implement the concept of green development in the construction field, and innovate building construction methods, and green construction has achieved significant results.

It is understood that in 2020, the city's new green building design and construction compliance rate will be 100%, and the completed area of green buildings will be 4.371 million square meters, fulfilling 257.1% of the annual work tasks assigned by the province. Among them, the 220,000 square meter project has won the provincial two-star green building evaluation mark. Completed 125 prefabricated building drawing review projects, with a construction area of 1.086 million square meters, and a newly started prefabricated building area of 937,000 square meters. The city’s newly started prefabricated buildings accounted for 27.2% of the newly started civil buildings, far exceeding the provincial rate. Five provincial-level prefabricated construction industrial bases have been put into production, and one ALC sheet production base has been put into production. The annual production of parts and components can meet the construction needs of 2 million square meters. Comprehensively promote the application of renewable energy in the construction field, complete 68 solar-thermal building integration projects with an area of 3.485 million square meters, completing 348% of the annual tasks. Breakthroughs have been made in the promotion of construction technology. Three projects in Dongying City were selected into the 2020 provincial housing and urban-rural construction science and technology plan scientific research and development category, science and technology demonstration engineering project library, and 6 projects have been initially selected into the 2021 science and technology demonstration project library.

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