Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, to study the development of green buildings and new-type building industrialization


On the afternoon of January 4, the Shaoxing Municipal Government held the 90th executive meeting to study and accelerate the industrialization of green buildings and new buildings. Mayor Sheng Yuechun presided over the meeting, and the deputy mayor and the secretary general of the municipal government attended the meeting.

The meeting heard a report on the drafting of the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Industrialization of Green Buildings and New Buildings" from the Municipal Construction Bureau. According to the plan, Shaoxing City will focus on key areas such as green buildings, prefabricated buildings, steel-structure prefabricated houses and residential full decoration, and accelerate the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of the construction industry through the industrialization of new buildings. It is planned that by 2025, two-star and above green buildings will account for more than 45% of new civil buildings, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 40% of new buildings, and steel structure buildings will account for more than 40% of prefabricated buildings. The level of industrialization, digitization, and intelligence in construction has been greatly improved, which has promoted the transformation of Shaoxing from a "big construction city" to a "strong construction city.

The meeting pointed out that accelerating the industrialization of green buildings and new types of buildings is an effective measure to implement new development concepts and promote green development and low-carbon circular development in urban and rural construction. This is of great significance for promoting resource conservation and utilization, improving the living environment, and enhancing the level of ecological civilization construction. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to deepen the supply-side structural reform of the construction industry, firmly establish the concept of a "waste-free city", vigorously promote green buildings and green building materials, and solidly carry out public projects for government procurement of green building materials to promote green production and green consumption. It is necessary to seize the opportunity of the national pilot project of steel structure prefabricated housing construction and vigorously develop steel structure prefabricated buildings. Support the application of steel structure buildings in government investment in public construction, commercial housing, transportation infrastructure, etc., deepen the pilot project of steel structure rural housing construction, and actively innovate the management model of residential decoration to better meet people's new expectations for a better life. Efforts should be made to build a new industrial system of building industrialization, and adhere to standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, information management, and intelligent application. Focus on improving the innovation, greenness, and integration of building products, promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization, and strive to demonstrate the responsibility of Shaoxing's construction industry in the construction of "important windows".

The meeting also studied other matters.

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