Completed! The Decoration "Skeleton" of the Beijing Middle School Project


Recently, the beam in the public area of the refined decoration project of the Beijing Middle School Project undertaken by Beijing Construction Engineering Decoration Group has been installed, marking the completion of the primary treatment of the decoration construction of the project.


The project is located on the east side of the administrative office area of Beijing Municipal Administrative Center. It consists of 2 teaching buildings (5 floors above ground and 1 floor underground), shared area (art center, sports center and cultural center), dormitory dining hall, and guards attached to the middle school department. Among them, the total construction area of the middle school and shared area projects is about 150,200 square meters.


In the early stage of the fine decoration of the middle school and the process model construction stage, the project department of Beijing Construction Engineering Decoration Group actively coordinated with the owner, design and various professional construction parties, organized woodwork, electromechanical and other manufacturers to review drawings, and repeatedly check the data and construction drawings according to the field measurement, and feasible construction drawings and construction node diagrams are drawn.



In the refined decoration construction, in terms of the special sound absorption and sound insulation requirements of the light steel beam on the wall, the project department conducted multiple rounds of discussions and fully demonstrated it. It is finished by spinning fabric, which meets the initial requirements and effect. In the key process of toilet waterproofing, the project department used a 2 mm thick polymer cement waterproof coating, which extends from the ground to the wall-to-ground junction and is 300 mm above the ground, and conducted a closed water test for no less than 24 hours. Ensure the quality of waterproof construction.



"At present, the basic construction has been completed, and the entire project decoration 'skeleton' has been presented. The next step is the construction of latex paint, aluminum panels, and wooden finishes. With these decorative surface layers, it will be a perfect decorative work!" Su Qi, the project manager of Beijing Construction Engineering Decoration Group, said confidently, "We will continue to adhere to 'strict' standard, and strictly control the safety and quality of the project, so as to achieve the prevention and control of the epidemic and the performance of the project. Complete the project construction tasks with high quality standards and contribute to the construction of Beijing Municipal Administrative Center." As far as we know, the project is scheduled to be put into use in the fall.

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