Fuzhou Binhai New City in Fujian Province promotes prefabricated garbage houses that can professionally deodorize



Fuzhou Binhai New City in Fujian Province promotes prefabricated garbage houses that can professionally deodorize

Recently, the reporter learned from the Garbage Classification Center of Changle District that Changle District has accelerated the promotion of garbage classification. At present, 232 garbage classification houses have been built in the urban area. Binhai New City builds a high-end model of waste classification.

A few days ago, the reporter saw in Shouzhan No.1 Community in Shouzhan Town, Changle District, that a beautiful and generous garbage sorting house had been built. The hut covers an area of nearly 13 square meters and is equipped with advertising boards, sorting trash cans, hand basins, mirrors, rags and bucket washing areas.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Garbage Sorting Center of Changle District, Wuhang Street, Yingqian Street, Hangcheng Street, Shouzhan Town, and Houyu Township have all completed the market-oriented operation of waste sorting. In accordance with the standard of building a garbage house for every 300 households, actively promote the construction of fixed garbage disposal points.

At the same time, Changle District has built 1 to 2 Fuzhou version 2.0 fine waste sorting houses equipped with propaganda classrooms and smart points equipment in all towns and streets. In addition, environmentally friendly and economical prefabricated garbage houses are promoted in newly built communities within 17 square kilometers of Binhai New City. At present, China Railway Assembly Corporation has invested in two resettlement houses in Binhai New City Phase I as pilot projects and gradually promoted them. Create a high-end model of waste sorting in Binhai New City-each waste sorting house is opened regularly, managed by dedicated personnel, sorted and collected on time, and cleaned and deodorized daily.

According to reports, the prefabricated garbage house has many advantages: it can use professional deodorization technology-photocatalyst deodorization system to control the leakage of odor and odor. Built-in environmental pollution self-test alarm system to ensure that the house is clean and tasteless. Fully assembled structure, using steel keel, inorganic aggregate flame-retardant wood-plastic composite wallboard, environmentally friendly materials and economical cost.

It is understood that Changle District is accelerating the construction of back-end disposal facilities such as waste incineration power generation projects and wet waste on-site reduction treatment projects. Daily management adopts the method of back-end supervision and front-end supervision. The garbage treatment plant strictly inspects the incoming vehicles and finds that mixed shipments are prohibited from entering the site.

In order to prevent the occurrence of mixed loading and mixed transportation of classified garbage, Changle District clearly stipulates that enterprises that are found to mix and transport classified garbage will be given a yellow card for the first time, notified by the district and fined 30,000 yuan. If this situation occurs twice within a year, the contract shall be terminated, the Changle market shall be withdrawn, the media shall be exposed, and the enterprise shall be included in the credit "blacklist".

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