Steel structure prefabricated houses in Hunan Province were included in the national pilot program, and the pilot program was launched in 8 cities and counties


Changsha IFS, Xiangjiang FFC...These super high-rise buildings are constructed with steel structures. At present, there are more and more high-rise steel structures, especially some super high-rise buildings, and the use of steel structures is more and more widespread. On December 28, the 2020 Hunan Steel Structure Industry Summit with the theme of "Green Promoting Development, Smart Winning the Future" was held in Changsha. The reporter learned that Hunan strives to complete the pilot project of steel structure prefabricated housing construction in three years, explore the formation of a reproducible and extendable promotion model, and promote the transformation of construction methods.

Steel structure prefabricated houses in Hunan Province were included in the national pilot program, and the pilot program was launched in 8 cities and counties

In 2019, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved six provinces including Zhejiang, Shandong, Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Henan to carry out pilot projects of steel structure prefabricated housing. Hunan Province, as the first batch of pilot provinces, has been fully implemented in 8 cities and counties including Changsha, Zhuzhou, Yiyang, and Changde. 7 new steel structure prefabricated housing production bases and 3 steel structure housing supporting plate production bases were built, with a total investment of more than 2 billion yuan. A number of pilot demonstration projects have also been launched, including commercial housing, government-invested affordable housing, and centralized resettlement projects for rural poverty alleviation and relocation.

Steel structure prefabricated houses in Hunan Province were included in the national pilot program, and the pilot program was launched in 8 cities and counties

"Steel structure buildings have the characteristics and advantages of lightness, speed, goodness, and province, and a wide range of applications." Liao Yuping, deputy director of the Construction Market Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, delivered a keynote speech via video. He introduced that steel structure buildings account for about 8% of my country's new construction area, which is far from the average of 20%-30% in developed countries. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, about 20 million square meters of steel structure residential buildings have been built nationwide, laying a good foundation for the "14th Five-Year Plan" to increase steel structure residential construction.

Steel structure prefabricated houses in Hunan Province were included in the national pilot program, and the pilot program was launched in 8 cities and counties

Gao Dongshan, the first-level inspector of the Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that steel structure prefabricated housing is a new industry in Hunan's construction development. It is necessary to ensure that the various tasks and objectives of the pilot work are achieved as scheduled, and a set of reproducible and extendable promotion models should be explored as soon as possible to accelerate the popularization of steel structure prefabricated housing construction in the province. At the same time, establish a steel structure prefabricated building technology innovation platform, focus on supporting and cultivating powerful steel structure prefabricated residential design, consulting and construction general contracting enterprises, and fully play the leading role of steel structure in the green transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

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