National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) Project Fully Demonstrates Energy-Saving Technology, The High-Standard Construction Portrays Green Sense


The verdant June is full of vitality and vitality. At the construction site of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) project, workers shuttled back and forth, and the sound of machines was rumbling. In the first phase of the project, the steel structure of the exhibition hall area with a 99% completion rate was shining in the morning light.


The National  Exhibition and Convention (Tianjin)project, as a national-level smart green building benchmark, has a three-star green building design logo. The whole museum highlights the main line of green energy-saving wisdom, adopts prefabricated buildings, applies environmentally friendly materials on a large scale, devotes itself to designing sponge functions, and effectively absorbs renewable energy. Currently, the construction is making every effort to build a foundation for creating a green ecological space.


The Excellent Structural Materials


The National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) has a total of 32 exhibition halls, each with a construction area of 12,500 square meters. Among them, there are 4 heavy-duty exhibition halls with a load of 8 tons/square meter, and the rest are ordinary exhibition halls with a load of 5 tons/square meter. This design can meet the needs of combining light and heavy. Therefore, the exhibition hall is also predicted to be “ The Best Super Pavilion in China."


In terms of the main steel structure and assembly alone, the steel structure is characterized by light weight and high strength. The process of assembly and construction is different from ordinary buildings in terms of building components such as walls and floor slabs which have been assembled in advance in the factory and only need to be transported to the site. This method greatly reduces the influence on the environment. According to the news, the entire project of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) adopts prefabricated buildings, and the use of high-strength steel bars and steel accounts for even 99%. In addition, the proportion of recyclable materials used in the project, including steel, glass, aluminum alloy profiles, etc., also exceeds 16%.


The partition walls of the project also adopt this "prefabrication" method, and use strip walls. The large-space exhibition hall allows reusable "partition walls" such as glass partitions and flexible partition panels to play a role, which can not only partition partitions flexibly, but also be reused.


The Efficient Sponge Function


The National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) has set up a total of 14 rainwater storage tanks in the first phase of the exhibition area for staggered peak drainage and effective collection and reuse of rainwater, which play a role in alleviating urban water-logging and efficient water saving.


"Each rainwater storage tank is about 30 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 5 meters deep. It can store 800 to 1,600 cubic meters of rainwater. The 14 tanks can store up more than 13,000 cubic meters of water." Guo Jiyu, assistant of the general manager of the Engineering Management Department of the Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., pointed to the rainwater storage tank under construction and introduced.

Currently, of the 14 rainwater storage tanks, 11 have been constructed. The project design and construction party also set up water pumps and decontamination facilities to ensure that the collected and stored rainwater is discharged into the municipal pipe network smoothly. On weekdays, rainwater from the storage tank can also be used for road washing and green irrigation.


In the future, the outdoor greening of the project will set up "tree arrays" and adopt a recessed green space design to upgrade the rainwater storage function. Greening irrigation will also be 100% water-saving irrigation methods using micro-sprinkler irrigation and droppers.


The Strong Energy Utilization


"Now is the installation of roof metal panels, and 'energy-absorbing' silicon crystal panels will be installed later. Silicon crystal panels will be applied to the roof of the entire exhibition hall. It can absorb solar energy and convert it into usable electricity through smart systems." Ma Wenyan, general manager of the Engineering Management Department of the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. introduced.


As far as we know, the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) project will also use the super-large roof features of the exhibition building, covered with solar photo-voltaic power generation panels, with an installed capacity of 7MW.


In addition, the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) project also actively responded to Tianjin’s call for vigorously promoting ground-source heat pump heating technology, making full use of renewable energy, maximizing the development and utilization of ground-source heat pump systems, extracting shallow geothermal energy, and converting it into heat energy. Heating and cooling are expected to solve 28% of the heat load of the whole venue.


Later, the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Tianjin) project will also install a total heat recovery function on the exhaust air conditioning unit, with a total heat recovery efficiency of not less than 60%, and preferentially select LED high-efficiency light sources to meet the needs of practical functions of exhibition buildings.

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