During the 13th Five-Year Plan, the added value of the construction industry accounted for more than 6.6% of GDP, accelerating the industrialization of new buildings



During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, my country's construction industry has accelerated its development, and its role as a pillar industry has continued to increase. The added value of the construction industry accounted for more than 6.6% of GDP.

According to relevant statistics, my country's construction labor productivity is only about two-thirds of that of developed countries, and the degree of mechanization, informatization, and intelligence in the construction industry is not high. Nowadays, there is a shortage of construction workers in the construction industry. The younger generation is unwilling to go to construction sites to do "heavy", "rough" and "dirty" jobs. As a result, the construction industry must accelerate the integration of information technology and artificial intelligence to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the entire industry.

The industrialization of new buildings is an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in the future. In August of this year, nine departments including the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings." The industrialization of a new type of building is driven by a new generation of information technology, using systematic integrated design and lean production and construction throughout the project life cycle as the main means to integrate the entire engineering industry chain, value chain and innovation chain. In this way, the industrialization of high-efficiency, high-quality, low-consumption and low-emission engineering construction can be realized.

Wen Linfeng, deputy director of the Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that the development of new construction industrialization can completely transform the previous competitive model of low construction technology, low technology content, and pure labor costs. Closely integrate industrial production and construction processes with information technology, apply a large number of new technologies, new materials, and new equipment, and emphasize scientific and technological progress and management model innovation. Pay attention to improving the quality of workers, and focus on shaping the corporate brand and image to form the core competitiveness and first-mover advantage of the company.

The coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization will be an important breakthrough for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed that in 2021, it will continue to promote the coordinated development of smart construction and the industrialization of new buildings. Vigorously develop digital design, smart production, smart construction and smart operation and maintenance, and accelerate the development and application of building information modeling (BIM) technology. Build an Internet platform for the construction industry, improve the intelligent construction standard system, promote the development and application of automated construction machinery, construction robots and other equipment, and launch intelligent construction pilot projects.

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