Build a floor in five or six days! Anqing's first prefabricated house is topped ahead of schedule


After the most stringent epidemic prevention and control period and the continuous flood season in Anqing, on the morning of December 18, the second stage of the reconstruction of the shantytown in Anqing Economic Development Zone, the second stage of the construction of the site was fully capped, it was two months ahead of schedule.

One floor was built in five or six days, and the roof was fully capped in less than a year. Such a rapid construction speed is due to the use of assembly.

Prefabricated building refers to a building that transfers a large amount of on-site work from traditional construction methods to the factory, where the building components and accessories are processed in the factory, and transported to the construction site, and assembled and installed on-site through a reliable connection method. Compared with traditional building production methods, prefabricated buildings are more controllable, and can realize the whole process controllable in terms of building quality, cost and energy consumption, and construction schedule, while also having the advantages of green and environmental protection. According to statistics, compared with traditional buildings, prefabricated buildings can save 80%-90% of water, 70% of energy, 70% of time, 20% of materials, and 20% of land.

Anqing Economic Development Zone Laofengpian Shantytown Reconstruction Phase II Duanshan Reconstruction Point Project is the first prefabricated residential building in Anqing City. The total construction area of the project is 255,000 square meters, including 14 residential buildings, 6 commercial buildings and public supporting buildings. After completion, the housing problem will be solved for 1,540 residents. The project will start on January 20, 2020.

"The assembly style of this project is mainly used in horizontal construction, such as floor slabs, wall panels, stairs, balconies, etc. These are all done in the factory and shipped to the site to complete the assembly. One floor can be built in an average of five or six days, and it is basically not affected by environmental factors such as weather. " In fine weather, one layer can be built in an average of seven days, but environmental factors such as low temperature, rain and snow will affect the construction progress at any time.The project's construction unit, China Construction Fifth Bureau Duanshan project executive manager Jiang Hao, said that traditional construction methods require a series of processes such as forming formwork, laying steel bars, and pouring concrete on site. 

Fast progress, in addition to changes in construction methods, is also inseparable from grabbing schedules. “This project is related to the return of houses to thousands of households and is a livelihood project. For a long time, we have actively organized construction forces, cross-operated and shifted forward. At present, there are more than 600 construction personnel on site, and more than 1,000 construction personnel are working on the whole line during the peak period, and will immediately enter the secondary structure and decoration construction phase. It is planned that all the projects will be completed by the end of 2021, and an assured room will be provided to Anqing citizens as soon as possible.” Jiang Hao introduced.

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