The first prefabricated building in Chongqing rail transit construction can shorten the production cycle


The first prefabricated building for rail transit construction

Shorten the production cycle and improve the project quality for the second phase of Line 4

The first prefabricated building in Chongqing rail transit construction can shorten the production cycle

On December 21st, workers were working at the prefabrication yard of the second phase of line 4

Among the track lines under construction in Chongqing, the second phase of Line 4 will be the first construction project to use prefabricated buildings in the production and installation of track slabs. On December 22, the reporter learned from the China Railway Second Bureau, the construction company of the second phase of Line 4, that the track slab as the base of the track will be prefabricated to shorten the production cycle and improve the quality.

The second-stage track slab prefabrication plant of Line 4 is located in Yufu Industrial Park, Liangjiang New District. The plant is divided into two areas, a closed production workshop and a slab storage area. The production workshop includes 12 operation areas including steel bar processing area and concrete pouring area. In the prefabricated production of track slabs, the construction party adopted a number of new technologies such as automatic logistics distribution, 3D intelligent recognition technology and appearance quality inspection. Through the whole process of intelligent production, the error of each track board can be reduced to less than 0.2 mm, and the appearance of each track board can be intelligently scanned and issued with inspection records and QR codes.

"Using the prefabricated construction technology of track slab production can not only improve the environmental protection level of construction, reduce the maintenance cost in the later stage, but also improve the safety of rail train operation and ride comfort." The person in charge of the China Railway Second Bureau said that the previous track slabs were poured on-site before the track was laid, which involved a lot of manpower and time-consuming. The prefabrication of track slabs is to complete the whole process of production and assembly at one time in the production plant area, and then transport the formed track slabs to the site for direct installation. It not only reduces the risk of on-site operation safety, reduces manpower input, but also makes construction more efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

According to reports, 18,100 track slabs are planned to be laid in the second phase of the entire line 4, and 6000 pieces have been produced. It is expected that all the track slab production tasks will be completed in May next year and the laying process will be completed to ensure the completion of the established goal of the second phase of Line 4 opening to traffic in 2022.

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