Zhejiang Province will transform 800 old communities in 2021



The reporter learned from the video conference on the renovation of old communities in Zhejiang Province held on December 18 that, recently, the General Office of Zhejiang Provincial Government issued the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Cities and Towns" to accelerate the comprehensive renovation of old communities in Zhejiang Province.

Since 2019, Zhejiang Province has initiated the transformation of 987 old communities, with a planned investment of approximately 14.5 billion yuan, benefiting 460,000 households.

Next, how should the old communities in Zhejiang towns be changed? The implementation opinions put forward specific goals: to promote comprehensive improvement through renovation, to achieve complete infrastructure, clean living environment, supporting community services, long-term management mechanism, display of community culture, and harmonious neighbor relationship. The specific timetable is: by 2022, accumulatively transform no less than 2,000 old communities in cities and towns; by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the task of rebuilding old communities in cities and towns that need to be rebuilt before the end of 2000 will be basically completed. "If we can change, we are willing to change as much as possible. Next year, 800 old communities will be renovated." said the person in charge of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

The implementation opinions emphasize that the transformation of old communities in cities and towns should be coordinated with the construction of "zero direct sewage discharge" and the protection of historical and cultural blocks, actively learn from the concept of future communities and strive to achieve "at most once, once in place" to create a modern urban platform centered on people.

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