The first provincial-level prefabricated construction industrial base in Maanshan City, Anhui Province was officially awarded


Recently, at the provincial building energy conservation and technology work promotion meeting and prefabricated building site meeting held in Hefei City, the prefabricated construction industry base established by Maanshan Anhui Zhongjia Construction Co., Ltd. in conjunction with Anhui Junyao New Material Co., Ltd. and Zhongxia Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. was officially awarded by the Provincial Housing and Construction Department. It became the first industrial base of Maanshan City and the first batch of provincial prefabricated construction in the whole province.

The base is located in the Green Industrial Park, Shiyang Town, He County, covering an area of 422 acres. After being put into operation, it is expected to produce 400,000 cubic meters of PC reinforced concrete components and 1 million cubic meters of commercial concrete with various labels. The annual sales revenue will be nearly 1.3 billion yuan, the total profit will exceed 200 million yuan, and the tax payable will exceed 100 million yuan. The construction of this project will greatly promote the development of the new building materials industry in Maanshan City, consolidate the foundation for the development of the prefabricated construction industry, improve the implementation capacity of prefabricated buildings, and play a positive role in maintaining the sustained, stable and healthy development of the construction industry in Maanshan City. 

The Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau and the Construction Management Office of Maanshan City actively guide the construction enterprises of Maanshan City to adapt to the needs of market development, transform their production and business models, actively develop prefabricated buildings, and promote the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure. Use suitable, economic, safe, green and beautiful prefabricated buildings to help accelerate the development of Maanshan's construction industrialization.

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