More than 6 million square meters of prefabricated buildings have been newly started during the 13th Five-Year Plan in Yantai City, Shandong Province


More than 6 million square meters of prefabricated buildings have been newly started during the 13th Five-Year Plan in Yantai City, Shandong Province

Conference scene

On the morning of December 15, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Yantai City held a press conference to announce the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural construction during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Yantai City focused on the implementation of the concept of green development and continued to expand the scale of green buildings. Adhere to the path of green development, take advantage of the trend, take multiple measures, and strive to improve the level of green building development.

Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings. Yantai issued the "Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Yantai City" and other documents to strengthen policy guidance and strictly implement the requirements of the assembly rate of the construction condition submissions. Vigorously promote the application of steel structure prefabricated buildings, and accumulatively started more than 6 million square meters of prefabricated buildings. It has successively won the first batch of national prefabricated building demonstration cities and the province's key promotion area for steel structure prefabricated residential construction pilot projects. Penglai was approved as a provincial prefabricated building demonstration city. Three companies including Yanjian Group Co., Ltd. were awarded the national prefabricated construction industry base. Eight companies including Shandong Beige Architectural Design Co., Ltd. were awarded the provincial prefabricated construction industry base. Twelve projects including the new community of Xingang Street, Penglai City were awarded the provincial prefabricated building demonstration projects.

Actively create green building logos. Accumulatively, it has obtained more than 120 green building design label projects in Shandong province, covering about 15 million square meters; 1 green building operation label project covering 132,000 square meters. Among them, more than 100 projects including Wenjing Homeland, covering approximately 13 million square meters, received the two-star green building design label; 5 projects including Vanke Emerald Park, covering 900,000 square meters, received the three-star green building design label. 43 projects including the Tashan South Road municipal engineering construction project and the Chengfa City Plaza project were approved as provincial-level green construction technology demonstration projects. The first batch of passive ultra-low energy green building demonstration projects in China-Germany cooperation-Building 28 of the Taipei Aviation Science and Technology Park successfully passed the comprehensive acceptance of experts from the German Energy Agency and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The results of airtightness test ranked first among the first 9 Sino-German cooperation passive ultra-low energy green building demonstration projects.

Vigorously promote building energy conservation. Yantai strictly implements the energy-saving standards for 75% of newly built residential buildings and 65% of public buildings to ensure a 100% implementation rate in the design phase. Accumulatively completed 830 solar thermal integration technology application projects covering 17.5 million square meters, 6 ground source heat pump technology projects covering 95,000 square meters, and 2 air source heat pump technology projects covering 74,400 square meters. Completed the acceptance of the national-level renewable energy building application demonstration counties, the concentrated contiguous area and the provincial green smart residential demonstration projects of Fenghuangtai Community. Accumulatively, 36 public building energy-saving projects covering 1.9 million square meters have been renovated, 110 public buildings have been included in the monitoring scope, and the newly built and renovated state office buildings and large public buildings have fully realized energy-saving monitoring.

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