Visit the First Prefabricated Architectural Concrete Construction in China: Build A House Like A Car



Without the flying dust and the noisy machinery, the beams, columns, floors, stairs, wall panels, etc. of the building are all prefabricated in the factory and assembled directly on site. A few days ago, a prefabricated architectural concrete construction demonstration project (experimental center) with a cement gray appearance was completed in Hebei Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd., and it will be put into use at the end of June.


“Build a house like a car” According to Sujuan Fu, the director of the Scientific Research and Technology Department of Hebei Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd., the entire building is constructed by using the method of "building blocks", and a staggered modeling treatment method, as well as the sense of simplicity of architectural concrete to reflect the sense of  technology and the times of the experimental center.


According to Sujuan Fu, the project adopts prefabricated construction technology and architectural concrete fusion technology. The exterior and interior of the building are formed into architectural concrete surfaces, eliminating decoration and decoration, creating a new model of structural decoration integration, and maximizing the practice of low-carbon and environmentally friendly green building concepts. It is the first prefabricated architectural concrete construction in China.


Stepping into the building, the ground is flat and clean, and the walls are smooth and tidy. There are traces of combination between the walls, columns and stairs. They are all a complete entity. The inner wall has a high level of flatness, which looks "horizontal and vertical", so that it can be directly pasted with wallpaper. All the stairs in the building are also "factory production, on-site assembly". The edges of the steps are flat and the surface is designed with anti-slip. Whether it is concrete or steel bars, "samples" are tailored to the needs of specific buildings.


According to reports, the overall assembly rate of the project is as high as 82%, which is currently the prefabricated concrete structure public building with the highest assembly rate in Hebei. Compared with traditional cast-in-place buildings, prefabricated buildings can save 80% of water and 20% of materials, and significantly reduce construction dust and noise pollution.


"Traditional building methods use centimeters to calculate deviations, and prefabricated buildings can be accurate to millimeters."Sujuan Fu said that the quality of factory-produced components is more stable, which solves many common quality problems of on-site construction technology and human errors in on-site construction and ensures the quality of the project.


According to reports, the project is based on the BIM application model and realizes dynamic visual management of the entire process of manufacturing, transportation, and assembly. At the same time, RFID identification technology is used to track and control the information of prefabricated components to establish a complete construction organization and management system.


"Only by realizing industrialization can we achieve green construction."Sujuan Fu said that in recent years. With the spread of "labor shortage", construction companies have continuously increased their demand for improved labor productivity, and prefabricated buildings have conformed to the development needs of construction industrialization. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is a key promotion area for prefabricated construction in China.


Several opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on further strengthening the management of urban planning and construction were issued in February 2016, proposing to develop new construction methods, vigorously promote prefabricated buildings, and strive to make prefabricated buildings account for the proportion of new buildings in about 10 years Reached 30%.


Sujuan Fu said that prefabricated buildings are a typical representative of green buildings, which coincide with the construction concept of Xiongan New Area, and hope to contribute to the green development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Xiongan New Area. In the next step, we will vigorously cultivate professional and technical talents urgently-needed in fields such as prefabricated construction and green construction.

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