Collection! The latest summary of full decoration & prefabricated policy in the first half of 2020 (III)




On April 2, 2020, the Hubei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the “Notice on Printing and Distributing Key Work Points of the Provincial Housing Construction System Industry in 2020”, which stipulates that the newly-built prefabricated construction area of the province will be 9 million square meters in 2020 and promote assembly Development of new-style buildings, promote the construction of steel-structured prefabricated modern housing pilots, formulate and improve relevant standards, and promote the transformation of construction methods. Promote advanced typical experience and strengthen the training of "three teams" of supervisors, technicians and construction personnel.



On May 13, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Housing Security and Housing Administration and the Municipal Market Supervision Administration shuffled the notice regarding the use of the Wuhan Commercial Housing Sale and Purchase Contract:


Make it clear that the fully-furnished commercial housing will be loaned according to the total price of the purchase contract

Further standardize the decoration and delivery standards for fully furnished commercial houses;

It is clear that the buyer has the right to inspect the house before the house is delivered;

The terms of supervision of pre-sale funds, deposit of first-stage maintenance funds, calculation method of default interest (LPR), delivery conditions of related facilities and equipment, quality and warranty responsibility have been improved.





On June 2, 2020, the Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice on "Hunan Province "Green Housing Construction Development Plan (2020-2025)". By 2025, the proportion of Hunan urban prefabricated buildings to new construction will reach More than 30%;


The notice states:


Promote the modernization of the construction industry. Taking the "Hunan Provincial Assembly Building Intelligent Manufacturing Platform" as the starting point, we will concentrate on conquering the core technology of key projects in assembly building, and promote the application integration of green building, assembly building, building energy efficiency, building information model (BIM) and other technologies. Green design, green production, green building material selection, green construction and installation, green integrated decoration, green operation, and promote lean construction.


Target tasks: By 2025, the implementation rate of energy-saving standard construction of new urban buildings will reach more than 70%, the completed area of new green buildings in urban areas will account for more than 60% of the completed area of new civilian buildings, and the proportion of urban prefabricated buildings in new buildings will reach More than 30%; the municipal projects of houses under construction are qualified according to the "Green Construction Code of Construction Engineering" for more than 50%.




On January 19, 2020, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Notice on the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in 2019."


Content Focus:

Strengthen the standardized construction of prefabricated construction work.

Continue to vigorously promote the construction of prefabricated buildings.

Improve the implementation capacity of the prefabricated construction market.

Strengthen the quality management of prefabricated building construction.

Promote the quality and expansion of prefabricated buildings.


On April 22, 2020, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the “Notice on the Advancement of Prefabricated Buildings in the First Quarter of 2020”, which stipulated that in 2020, prefabricated buildings accounted for 30% of the planned new construction. Xi’an and Weinan 20%, Yulin 20%, Xixian 20%, Tongchuan 15%, Hancheng 15%, Baoji 13.5%, Yangling 13.3%, Yan’an 8.4%, Ankang 1.5%; prefabricated construction plans to start construction scale, Xi’an 6 million m2 , Yulin 1 million m2, Baoji 670,000 m2, Weinan 600,000 m2, Xixian 450,000 m2, Tongchuan 150,000 m2, Yan'an 134,200 m2, Ankang 73,000 m2, Yangling 60,000 m2, 55,000 m2 in Hanzhong and 40,000 m2 in Shangluo.




On February 27, 2020, the Department of Housing and Construction of Heilongjiang Province issued the "Key Points of Construction Standards and Scientific and Technological Work of the Province in 2020", requiring strict implementation of building energy efficiency standards, promoting energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and promoting the application of renewable energy buildings. Strive to complete the construction of new green buildings of not less than 7 million square meters, and strive to design green buildings with a proportion of not less than 50% of new buildings; at the same time, steadily develop prefabricated buildings, and strive to promote prefabricated buildings of not less than 300,000 square meters throughout the year.




On April 15, 2020, the Shanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Special Action Plan for Green Buildings", which stipulates:


In 2020, green buildings will account for 50% of new construction area, and 60% in 2022;

In 2020, 4 million square meters of new prefabricated buildings will be started in the province, and the proportion of prefabricated prefabricated buildings in the city will account for 15% of the new construction area, of which Taiyuan City and Datong City will reach 25%.

In 2022, 6 million square meters of new prefabricated buildings were started in the province, and prefabricated buildings accounted for 21% of the new construction area, and Taiyuan and Datong cities reached 30%.



On April 13, 2020, the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau of Taiyuan City issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Work of Prefabricated Construction in Taiyuan City":

Government investment projects, including affordable housing, public buildings of more than 20,000 square meters and bridges, comprehensive pipe corridors, and other municipal infrastructures should use prefabricated construction methods;

Commercial housing development projects that acquire state-owned land use rights above 100,000 square meters (inclusive) or above on the ground by means of bidding, auction, and auction should all use prefabricated buildings.




On April 9, 2020, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development implemented the "Key Points of 2020 Technology and Standard Quota Work of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction", which requires that the proportion of prefabricated buildings in Kunming, Qujing and Honghe in 2020 should reach 20%, other states (cities) each have no less than 3 demonstration projects, accelerate the development of fully furnished finished house delivery buildings, and the newly built buildings where the state (city) government is located will gradually implement fully decorated finished house delivery.




On May 18, 2020, the Kunming Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Quality and Safety Management of Newly Decorated Commercial Housing in Kunming City (Trial)", which stipulates that the complete renovation of newly constructed commercial housing belongs to the overall quality and safety of housing construction projects. In part, it is included in the management of capital construction procedures to achieve synchronous design, synchronous construction, synchronous acceptance, and synchronous delivery. When applying for the construction permit, it should be indicated whether it is a full decoration project.



Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


On May 18, 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued an announcement for public consultation on the local standard for engineering construction, "Residential Interior Decoration Design Standard." The standard covers 18 main technical contents such as functional space and decoration design, barrier-free design, and smart home. At the same time, combined with the experience in the prevention and control of atypical pneumonia and new coronavirus pneumonia, the standard in the water supply and drainage part of the design of the water sealing device and the ventilation and air conditioning part put forward the corresponding requirements for the design of the ventilation system.





On March 10, 2020, the Urban and Rural Construction Committee of Changchun City issued the "Key Points of 2020 Changchun Prefabricated Building Work (Consultation Draft)", requesting the implementation of the project general contracting model to ensure that the proportion of newly built prefabricated construction area in the new construction area Reached more than 20%; increased the assembly rate requirement of prefabricated buildings to 50% in the land transfer process, and connected with national standards.


On March 10, 2020, the Urban and Rural Construction Commission of Changchun City implemented the "Changchun City Assembly Construction Construction Supervision Implementation Rules (Trial) (Draft for Comments)", which stipulates that the general construction contracting model should be adopted for assembly buildings; For the prefabricated residential building projects, an area award of not more than 5% of the sum of the construction areas of the individual planned implementation of prefabricated buildings is given.



On March 12, 2020, the Office of the People’s Government of Songyuan City issued “Guiding Opinions on Supporting the Development of Prefabricated Construction Industry”, giving residential projects with self-adopted prefabricated buildings and an assembly rate of more than 50%, no more than The 3% area award for the sum of the planned construction areas of a single project. The maximum reward for a single project is no more than 500 square meters. The volume rate after the award should comply with the relevant national regulations.




On April 10, 2020, the General Office of the People’s Government of Liaoning Province issued the "Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Construction Industry", requiring the active development of prefabricated buildings; the implementation of project general contracting and full-process engineering consulting services, and the introduction of project general contracting management Method.




On June 9, 2020, the Management Committee of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone issued the notice of "Interim Measures for Promoting Green Development" (Jin Development [2020] No. 16), which pointed out that enterprises are encouraged to build high-level prefabricated construction projects. According to "Assembly Building Evaluation Standard" (GB/T51129-2017), A-level prefabricated buildings are 50 yuan/square meter, and the total subsidy for a single project does not exceed 1 million yuan; AA-level prefabricated building projects are 100 yuan/square meter, single The total subsidy of the project does not exceed 2 million yuan; the AAA-level prefabricated construction project is 200 yuan per square meter, and the total subsidy of a single project does not exceed 3 million yuan.




On March 3, 2020, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Housing and Urban-rural Construction Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region issued "Several Measures on Supporting the Development of Guangxi's New Prefabricated Building Materials Industry", which stipulates: by 2020, cultivate six Smart manufacturing enterprises and digital factories; by 2025, cultivate 15 smart manufacturing enterprises and digital factories. Pilot cities will fully use prefabricated buildings. Strive to spend about 10 years to make the prefabricated buildings in the district account for 30% of the new construction area.




On March 18, 2020, the Gansu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Notice on Further Promoting Prefabricated Construction Work", encouraging commercial housing to be built using prefabricated construction methods. Large-span, large-space, super high-rise buildings over 100 meters, municipal bridges and public buildings with a single building area of more than 20,000 square meters, actively promote the application of prefabricated steel structures, and award financial funds, land use guarantees, and floor area ratios. Support policies for pre-sale permits, sales prices, preferential taxes and fees, and special funds for scientific research.




On April 22, 2020, the Xiamen Municipal People's Government issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Xiamen", which stipulates that the total amount of prefabricated buildings for commercial housing from the date of issuance to December 31, 2020 It is lower than 25% of the total construction area of the auction, auction and hanging projects in the same period. In the future, the proportion of prefabricated buildings will be increased year by year, and prefabricated decoration will be promoted year after year.




On February 24, 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Qinghai Province issued the "Key Points of Construction Work in Qinghai Province in 2020", demanding the vigorous development of prefabricated buildings. Guiding Xining and Haidong City to introduce specific policies for the promotion of prefabricated buildings, increase the promotion and application of prefabricated steel structures in southern Qinghai, organize and compile the “Technical Guidelines for Qinghai Provincial Light Steel Structure Residences”, and combine with the seismic retrofit pilot of rural houses, Strengthen the promotion and application of steel structure assembled buildings in agricultural and pastoral areas, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.




On June 15, 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangxi Province issued the "Notice on Accelerating the Construction of Prefabricated Steel Structure Housing" (Gan Jianjian [2020] No. 13), which emphasizes:


All localities should actively promote the application of steel-structured prefabricated houses in affordable housing, relocation houses, commercial housing, etc., and specify the specific construction ratio.

Encourage real estate development enterprises to build steel-structured prefabricated houses, and support qualified projects for large-scale demonstration.

Encourage the poverty alleviation and relocation projects to adopt the steel-structured prefabricated construction method, and guide the rural residents to self-built houses to adopt the light-steel prefabricated construction method according to local conditions.

Nanchang City, Jiujiang City, Ganzhou City, Fuzhou City, Yichun City, Xinyu City, etc., as the pilot cities for the construction of steel structured prefabricated houses, must formulate the work plan for promoting the construction of steel structure prefabricated houses in this region and report them to the Provincial Department. Policy mechanisms, technological innovation, industrial cultivation, talent training, etc. are first tried, and effective practices and successful experiences are summarized in a timely manner.


The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region


On February 14, 2020, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Key Points of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work for the Whole District in 2020", which emphasizes:


Promote green construction methods. Promote the development of green buildings, the implementation rate of new building energy efficiency standards reaches 100%, and the implementation rate of green building standards in the design stage reaches more than 60%, and explore the integration of green building requirements into basic construction procedures;

Improve the assembly building technology and standard system, cultivate and create 1-2 autonomous region-level assembly building industrialization bases, and complete 2-3 fully-renovated residential demonstration projects;

Started the compilation of local standards such as "Ningxia Residential Building 75% Energy Saving Standard", "Ningxia Green Building Design Standard" and "Ningxia Green Building Construction Quality Acceptance Regulations". Promote the certification of green building materials products and release 1-2 batches of green building materials product catalogs.




Taking Urumqi, Karamay, Turpan, Korla and Changji as the areas of active promotion, the rest of the cities are areas of encouragement to promote the development of prefabricated structures such as concrete structures and steel structures according to local conditions. By 2020, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 15% of newly-built construction area. Actively promote areas to reach more than 15%, and encourage promotion areas to reach more than 10%. By 2025, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the district will account for 30% of new construction area. At the same time, gradually improve laws, regulations, technical standards and regulatory systems, and promote the formation of a number of design, construction, and large-scale production of parts and components, modern assembly and construction engineering general contracting enterprises and professional skills to adapt to it.




By 2020, the region will cultivate more than two local assembly-type construction enterprises with certain competitiveness, introduce more than three domestic assembly-building leading enterprises; build more than four assembly-type construction industrial bases, of which, Lhasa City will complete 2 For the construction of the above prefabricated construction industrial base, Shigatse City will complete the construction of more than one prefabricated construction industrial base.

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