CSCEC builds the world's first intelligent manufacturing production line for building steel structure in Huizhou


On December 2, Wang Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of CSCEC, called on Li Yiwei, Secretary of the Huizhou Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. The two parties conducted in-depth exchanges in areas such as steel structure intelligent manufacturing, green buildings, and infrastructure.

Li Yiwei welcomed the visit of Wang Hong and his entourage, expressed appreciation for the comprehensive strength of CSCEC and the advantages and development potential of steel structure buildings, and affirmed CSCEC’s active participation in the economic and social development of Huizhou. Li Yiwei introduced Huizhou's geographical advantages, development strategy, industrial layout, etc., and welcomed CSCEC to actively participate in the construction of Huizhou prefabricated buildings, smart garages, slow traffic systems and other fields. He also expressed his expectations for the future development of CSCEC Intelligent Manufacturing and CSCG Guangdong Co., Ltd. in Huizhou.

Wang Hong expressed his gratitude to the Huizhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their trust and support to CSCEC. He also introduced the overall development of CSCEC and the operation of CSCEC Guangdong Co., Ltd. in Huizhou City. Wang Hong said that CSCEC has made outstanding achievements in building industrialization and product innovation in recent years. CSCEC’s prefabricated buildings, smart garages, new infrastructure and other products are highly compatible with the construction concept of Huizhou. CSCEC pays great attention to Huizhou's geographical advantages and future development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It hopes to continue to strengthen its localization development and leverage CSCEC's own advantages to help Huizhou build a domestic first-class city and jointly build a beautiful Huizhou.


CSCEC builds the world's first intelligent manufacturing production line for building steel structure in Huizhou

Located in Huiyang District, Huizhou City

The world's first intelligent manufacturing production line for building steel structure

Yu Jinfu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Huizhou Municipal Party Committee, Secretary-General, and Member of the Municipal Government Party Group, Huiyang District Party Secretary Zhai Weifeng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Huizhou Industry and Information Bureau Wu Xin, and Xie Weiyi, Deputy Director of the Huizhou Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau attended the meeting.

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