Intelligent Construction and Construction Industrialization Vocational Education Alliance was established in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province


On December 8, the inaugural meeting of the Vocational Education Alliance of Intelligent Construction and Construction Industrialization was held in Changzhou City.

Zhu Dongfeng, the dean of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction Vocational College who was elected as the chairman of the alliance, said that it is the general trend of the industry to promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization. In the context of the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area building a national vocational education development highland, the college will use alliances as a platform to integrate resources and condense wisdom, organize and carry out talent training, base construction, joint technology development, and joint enterprise college activities. Seek more effective methods for the common growth of schools and enterprises, and promote the continuous improvement of the quality of talent training.

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