Professional standards for prefabricated construction workers in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


Professional standards for prefabricated construction workers in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

On November 29th, the Hangzhou "Professional Skills Standard Prefabricated Construction Workers" group standard conference was held at Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College of Science and Technology, which marked the landing of Zhejiang’s first prefabricated construction builders’ professional skills standards.

With the continuous expansion of the coverage of prefabricated buildings, the demand for prefabricated professionals in the industry is also increasing, and traditional construction workers are gradually moving towards professionalization and modernization. On February 25, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security officially included prefabricated construction workers in the national occupational catalog. The official release of Hangzhou Standards provides a basis for the training and assessment of skilled workers for prefabricated construction workers, and has strong guidance and operability.

Professional standards for prefabricated construction workers in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

The group standard of "Professional Skills Standard Prefabricated Construction Workers" is guided by the Hangzhou Urban and Rural Construction Committee and promoted by the Hangzhou Construction Industry Association. Zhejiang Sanjian Construction Group was the first editor-in-chief, and was jointly issued by Hangzhou Construction Industry Association and Zhejiang Product and Engineering Standardization Association. This standard is divided into seven chapters, stipulating four levels of assessment basic knowledge, professional knowledge mastering requirements, practical operation ability, etc., respectively, according to the standard assessment and implementation of the ability requirements, skill specifications, and assessment standards of prefabricated employees.

On the same day, the 2020 (second session) Hangzhou Construction System Industrial Workers' Comprehensive Quality Improvement Training for High-skilled Talents was also held. 38 skilled workers received professional evaluation and assessment according to the standards and successfully obtained intermediate work certificates.

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