"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" of Xinjiang Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Overall Improvement of the Quality and Benefits of Construction



The quality and efficiency of the construction industry have been comprehensively improved. Speed up the reform of the construction industry system and mechanism, and vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

First, the supporting role of the construction industry in economic and social development has continued to increase. It is estimated that by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the total output value of the construction industry in the region will be 127.82 billion yuan, which is 1.35 times that of the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Secondly, the effect of absorbing employment has been remarkable. It launched a 3-year vocational training and employment program for 200,000 people in the construction field to cultivate and expand the ranks of industrial workers, with nearly 1 million employees annually.

The third is to vigorously promote new construction methods such as fabricated steel structures, accelerate the development of building energy conservation and green buildings, and actively promote new technologies such as clean energy applications. A total of 135 million square meters of energy-saving buildings and 71.31 million square meters of green buildings have been built.

The fourth is to firmly establish the concept of safe development. 14 projects won the National Quality Project Award, 7 projects won the Luban Award, and 71 construction sites reached the national "AAA" level safe and civilized construction site standards.

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