Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, vigorously promoted the industrialization of construction work



Since the beginning of this year, Jiaxing City has vigorously promoted the industrialization of construction. With the joint efforts of the construction departments of all counties (cities, districts), the construction industrialization work has been steadily advanced. As of November 30, the city has completed 7,611,900 square meters of newly-started prefabricated buildings, a year-on-year increase of 28.51%; completed newly-started prefabricated residential and public buildings (excluding venue buildings) 4.881 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 68.14%.

Pay close attention to the implementation of policies and promote project implementation. The Jiaxing Construction Bureau combined the comprehensive supervision of the city's construction system and the special supervision of the reform of the margin system, and grouped on-site supervision of the implementation of the industrialization of prefabricated buildings in various regions. All localities are required to strengthen the application of prefabricated construction projects, and establish a task decomposition and assessment mechanism to increase the importance and promotion of work in various regions. Pinghu City Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau multi-departmental linkage, in the land transfer contract, construction land planning conditions, project construction plan, provincial construction industrialization information platform prefabricated building identification and other aspects of the development of prefabricated building ratio and other policy review requirements. The Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development of Haining City and the Bureau of Natural Resources have established a sound internal feedback mechanism through collaboration and docking. The two parties determine the three control indicators of green building star rating, prefabricated building, and full residential decoration through the feedback contact form, and include them in the land transfer conditions, which will be supervised and implemented by the competent authorities of the industry.

Vigorously develop industry and promote base construction. Actively introduce and cultivate prefabricated construction production bases. For example, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development of Haining City, together with counterpart departments such as the Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning of Haining City and the Bureau of Market Supervision, as well as territorial management departments such as Haining Economic Development Zone (Haichang Street), went to Hongxiang Yuanda PC factory project. Active door-to-door service, launching "delivery service, strong guarantee" activities, and promote the successful completion and commissioning of the construction industrial production machine base. Up to now, there are 23 building industrialized production bases and manufacturers, including 13 prefabricated steel structure manufacturers, 9 prefabricated concrete production bases, and 1 double-T board base, which have the potential to radiate surrounding cities.

Strengthen education and training, and improve technical level. All counties (cities, districts) in charge of construction have carried out the technical knowledge learning of employees in an all-round way to further improve their professional level. The Municipal Construction Bureau organized and carried out the "Special Lecture on Construction Industrialization", which deeply analyzed the methods and ways to accelerate the industrialization of construction. The Haining Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau organized the "Haining Construction Engineering Quality Improvement Class"-"Discussion on the Development of Construction Industrialization in Zhejiang Province" and other activities to make effective publicity and promotion of the related concepts of construction industrialization.

In the next step, the Jiaxing Construction Bureau will continue to increase its publicity efforts. Propaganda work is carried out through traditional media, new media communication, lectures and forums, etc., to increase the public's attention and awareness of the development of prefabricated buildings. At the same time, accelerate the implementation of project construction, strengthen assessment and supervision, and fully sprint the province's 110% annual target requirements for municipal quality work assessment.

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