Since the 13th Five-Year Plan in Shandong Province, a total of 98.03 million square meters of prefabricated buildings have been started


On December 6, the prefabricated building summit forum and the on-site meeting for the collaborative advancement of intelligent construction and building industrialization were held in Jiaxiang County. The reporter learned from the meeting that since the 13th Five-Year Plan, Shandong Province has actively promoted the development of prefabricated buildings, with a total of 98.03 million square meters of prefabricated buildings started, and 181 manufacturers of various components and parts have been put into production. 7 national-level prefabricated building demonstration cities, 1 park-type industrial base, 33 enterprise-type industrial bases, 15 provincial-level demonstration cities, 103 industrial bases, and 121 demonstration projects were approved. A full-chain industrial capacity including development, design, construction, production, and integration of parts has been formed. In 2019, Shandong was the first batch of pilot projects approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to carry out steel-structure prefabricated residential construction, focusing on building a "1+N" policy system, innovating to promote the construction of pilot projects, and achieving positive results.

In the future, Shandong Province will closely follow the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation trends, adhere to the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party as the guideline, thoroughly implement the new development concept, and strive to build the "Qilu Zhijian" brand.

Improve the top-level design. Based on the actual situation in Shandong Province, we will study and formulate the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Intelligent Buildings and Building In dustrialization” and the “Implementation Plan on Promoting the Industrialization of New Buildings” to clarify the development goals, key tasks, support policies and safeguard measures of our province.

Innovate construction methods. Improve the policy and technical system, accelerate the promotion of the prefabricated construction and construction mode, and strive to increase the proportion of newly constructed prefabricated buildings in the province to over 40% by 2025. We will steadily promote the construction of steel-structure prefabricated houses, and implement relevant policies and measures to ensure that the development of steel-structure prefabricated houses continues to be at the forefront of the country.

Build an interconnection platform. Learn from advanced industrial Internet construction experience such as Haier Kaos, promote the establishment of a construction industry Internet platform "based in Shandong and facing the whole country", promote the coordination of the entire construction industry chain, and seize the high ground of economic development of the construction industry platform.

Strengthen innovation drive. Intensify the innovative and integrated application of new generation information technology in the field of engineering construction, and focus on promoting the basic commonality of intelligent construction and building industrialization, and the development, promotion and application of key core technologies. Speed up the construction of smart construction sites and improve the quality and safety management of construction.       

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