Hefei City, Anhui Province held the "14th Five-Year" Green Building and Prefabricated Building Planning Work Promotion Meeting



On the morning of December 4, 2020, the chief engineer of Wang Rong Village of Hefei Urban Construction Bureau presided over the "14th Five-Year Plan" Green Building and Prefabricated Building Planning Work Promotion Meeting. Responsible comrades from the Department of Building Energy Conservation and Technology, the Municipal Green Festival Center, and the Municipal Industrialization Office attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the planning and preparation unit Anhui University of Architecture made a detailed report on the preparation progress, research situation, and the content of the first draft, and conducted in-depth discussions on existing problems and the next work plan.

After listening to relevant reports, the chief engineer of Wang Rongcun pointed out that the preparation of the "14th Five-Year" plan must implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's work instructions on the preparation of the "14th Five-Year" plan, with clear directions and concise content. It must not only conform to local reality, but also highlight local characteristics, and at the same time do a good job in overall coordination and consistency with other special plans. The next step is to implement a work week contact system for the preparation of work, and all departments and preparation units work together to complete the planning work as an annual key task.

Hefei City, Anhui Province held the "14th Five-Year" Green Building and Prefabricated Building Planning Work Promotion Meeting

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