Colleges and universities work together to establish the first domestic prefabricated bridge R&D center


The "Assembled Bridge R&D Center" jointly prepared by the China Railway Fifth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. (the "Fifth Railway Institute") and Beijing Jiaotong University jointly prepared and established the "Prefabricated Bridge R&D Center" recently opened in Beijing. This is the first domestic research and development center focusing on bridge assembly technology.


The prefabricated bridge adopts the construction technology of factory prefabrication and on-site assembly. It has the advantages of high quality, short construction period, low risk, and less pollution. It was first applied in engineering in my country in the 1960s and 1970s. Under the new development concept, the prefabricated bridge construction technology is of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization, the development of new industries, the construction of green projects, and the promotion of the transformation of construction methods.

The Fifth Railway Institute has advantages in prefabricated bridge construction technology. The 900-ton simple-supported box girder erection equipment for high-speed railways developed by it has broken the monopoly of foreign companies on the market and participated in more than half of the simple-supported girder construction of high-speed railways in my country. This year, the world’s first 1,000-ton all-in-one machine "Kunlun" developed by the Fifth Railway Institute was officially put into use on the Fuxia High-speed Railway, adding a "big power weapon" to the assembly construction of high-speed railways.

Combining the characteristics of railway load, large vibration, bridge dynamic characteristics and high durability, the prefabricated bridge design team of the Fifth Railway Institute has conducted key research on the key design parameters of the railway prefabricated bridge pier structural system, connection mode, and seismic measures. A series of new pier structure systems were proposed, leading the development of railway prefabricated piers.

At the same time, from single-machine single-track to single-machine double-track, from general-speed railway to high-speed railway, from wet joint assembly to cemented assembly, and from the assembly of simply supported beams to the assembly of continuous beams, the Fifth Railway Institute has also realized four "triple jumps" in the construction of segmented beams. The Fifth Iron and Steel Institute has accumulated rich experience in the arrangement of the joint shear keys of the segment assembled beam, the sealing of the prestressed ducts, and the structural durability. Gradually form a complete set of key technologies for design and construction, laying a solid cornerstone for the world-class segmental assembled beam brand project.

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