The main body of Building 17# of Changsha Jinyu Taoyuan Project in Central China Headquarters of Drawin Group is topped

Author:Drawin Group


On November 30th, Building 17# of the Changsha Jinyu Taoyuan Project, which was undertaken by the Central China Headquarters of Drawin Group, completed the topping of the main structure, and is about to enter the stage of secondary structure construction and fine decoration.

17# Building Topping Site Map

Changsha Jinyu Taoyuan Project is located at No. 467 Qingzhuhu Avenue, Kaifu District, Changsha City, with a total construction area of 230,000 square meters. Drawin Group’s Central China headquarters area undertook to build 5 buildings with a construction area of approximately 65,000 square meters and an assembly rate of 50.8%.

In order to ensure the smooth start of construction of the project, the project has been promoted in accordance with Party A's timeline. Since the start of the project in March, the construction speed of the project has been improved through methods such as labor service model optimization, streamlined construction, and implementation of incentive measures to seize the delays during the epidemic. In addition, project management personnel live and live on the construction site 7*24 hours, keeping an eye on construction safety and project quality. Under the premise of ensuring safety, the construction speed of 5 days/floor was reached, and the main structure of Building 17# was successfully completed in accordance with the requirements of Party A. Up to now, the 11#—12# building has completed the construction of 23 floors, and the main body is expected to be topped at the end of this month; the total project volume has been completed 50%, and it is expected to be completed and delivered in April 2021.

Project renderings

Build a project and build a monument! The person in charge of the project stated that the project department will always adhere to the customer service concept of "no reason to provide customers with defective products, no reason to provide customers with second-rate services". Comprehensive and accurate control of project quality, safety, and progress, high standards for project construction, and high-quality project performance.

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