Collection! The latest summary of full decoration & prefabricated policy in the first half of 2020 (I)


The first half of 2020 past like a fleeting moment. The epidemic has caused unprecedented attention to residential health, and the house has become a container and carrier for the better life. In order to implement the "Residential Project Specification (Consultation Draft)" and "Green Building Evaluation Standard" (GB/T50378-2019) issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and implement the full decoration of residential buildings, now we will summarize the implementation of the full decoration and assembly-type policies in major provinces and cities in the first half of 2020.


Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development


On February 8, 2020, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Guidelines for the Design of New Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Treatment Facilities (Trial)", clarifying the emergency treatment facilities, encouraging the preferential use of prefabricated construction methods and clarify the construction principles, site selection, architectural design, structure, water supply and drainage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, electricity and intelligence, medical gas and operation and maintenance requirements of related engineering projects., proposing a negative pressure ward reconstruction reference plan, and collected and summarized medical building which related main construction standard catalog.



On April 15, 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released the industry standard "Technical Standards for Inspection of Prefabricated Residential Buildings", which will be implemented from June 1, 2020. In addition to the general rules, terminology, and basic regulations, the standard also provides clear provisions for assembly concrete structure inspection, assembly steel structure inspection, assembly wood structure inspection, peripheral protection system inspection, equipment and pipeline system inspection, etc.



The "Technical Standards for Inspection of Prefabricated Residential Buildings" mainly include assembly concrete structure inspection, assembly steel structure inspection, assembly wood structure inspection, peripheral protection system inspection, equipment and pipeline system inspection, interior system inspection, etc., which is suitable for installation and construction and completion acceptance inspection of prefabricated residential buildings.


On May 8, 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Reduction of Construction Waste", vigorously developing prefabricated buildings and implementing full decoration delivery. By the end of 2020, a working mechanism for construction waste reduction in various regions should have been initially established. By the end of 2025, the construction waste reduction mechanism in various regions should have been further improved, and the construction waste discharge of new construction sites should not be higher than 300 tons/10,000 m2, and the construction waste discharge of prefabricated construction sites should not be higher than 200 tons/10,000.m2.





On February 14, 2020, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized Zhejiang University Architectural Design and Research Institute, China Construction Third Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and other units to compile and publish the "Guidelines for the Construction of Assembled Infectious Disease Emergency Hospitals (Trial)" , which Fully draws on the practical achievements of Beijing Xiaotangshan, Wuhan Huoshenshan hospital, Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital, and integrates experience in medical building and prefabricated building management, design, production, construction, etc., the construction of emergency hospitals for infectious diseases should follow the principles of safety first, emergency prevention and control, environmental protection, adopting standardized and modular assembly construction technology,  improving construction speed and ensures project quality.



On March 2, 2020, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Key Points of Construction Industrialization of the Province in 2020", emphasizing: 

The newly-built prefabricated construction area of newly-built area throughout the year should achieve more than 30%;

The steel structure prefabricated houses should occupy more than 5 million m2;

Promote the deep integration of prefabricated buildings with green construction and digital construction, and increase the popularization and application of BIM technology;

Promote the application of prefabricated construction project management platforms and adopt the Internet of Things and other information technologies, and achieve the tracking and maintenance of the whole process of prefabricated construction management in the province;

By the end of 2020, the newly-built steel-structured prefabricated residential areas of Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing should achieve 700,000 m2, 500,000 m2, and more than 400,000 m2, respectively.


On March 12, 2020, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Supplementary Notice on Further Perfecting the Full Decoration of Residential Buildings (Draft for Comment)", which stipulates that government-sponsored housing projects such as public rental housing should be steadily advanced according to local conditions Preferentially use residential full decoration. All localities can improve the special plan for green buildings according to the local reality, and gradually increase the full decoration coverage of commercial housing. To give full play to the market, a fully-furnished residence can be implemented with a total-price sales system, and the decoration price is not separately listed in the sales contract.



On June 20, 2020, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Supplementary Notice on Further Improvement of Residential Full Decoration". The document emphasizes: further implementation and management of residential full decoration to promote stable and healthy development of residential full decoration: use methods in line with local circumstances; give full play to the market; strengthen the quality control of fully-decorated residences; further improve the standards and standards; actively resolve conflicts and disputes.




On January 16, 2020, the Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of Hangzhou Xiaoshan District launched the Xiaoshan District Residential Full Decoration Information Service Supervision Platform, and for the first time introduced the concepts of third-party insurance companies and risk control agencies to supervise the quality of full decoration projects through third-party agencies And later maintenance and escort.


On May 12, 2020, the Hangzhou Municipal Construction Commission promulgated the "Regulations on the Quality Management of Hangzhou's Residential Full Decoration Engineering", which covers 15 categories including waterproofing, doors and windows, suspended ceilings, wall finishes, painting, kitchen, bathroom, electrical, water supply and drainage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, indoor environmental pollution control, etc. The elaboration. At the same time, there are also clear regulations on indoor environmental pollution after decoration, and concentration limits are set for pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, and radon.




On March 10, 2020, the Ningbo Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau issued the "Key Points of Construction Work of the Whole City in 2020", which called for accelerating the high-quality development of the construction industry, accelerating the pilot work of steel-structured houses, and ensuring that the new construction steel was completed throughout the year. The structured residential area is not less than 500,000 m2, and strive to achieve the goal of "the proportion of prefabricated buildings reaching more than 35% by 2020".


On May 15, 2020, the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the “Notice on Actively Responding to the Impact of the Epidemic Situation and Ensuring the Effective Supply of the Real Estate Market”, which stipulates that fully furnished houses should have at least one set of standard model houses for delivery, and it should be done before pre-sale construction completed. The model house can be installed in different places, but its structure, size and decoration standards must be consistent with the corresponding delivery house. For all projects applying for pre-sale for commercial housing before December 31, 2020, the pre-sale construction area of each batch should not be less than 20,000 m2, and the interval between each batch should be adjusted from not less than 2 months to not less than 1 months.


On May 22, 2020, the Ningbo Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau issued the "Notice on Improving the Full Decoration Work of Newly Built Residential Buildings (Draft for Comment)", which stipulates that all houses of the fully decorated residential project should provide basic decoration plans and basic decoration standards. According to the building construction area, it should not be less than 1500 yuan/m2, not more than 2000 yuan/m2. Real estate development companies can also provide several upgrade and decoration solutions for buyers to choose according to market demand and product positioning.



On June 15, 2020, Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the “Reformation Evaluation Rules for Residential Full Decoration (Trial) (Draft for Comments)” and “Administrative Measures for Model Houses in Newly Completed Residential Projects (Trial) (Draft for Comments)”, involving the evaluation of decoration standards for fully-renovated properties, including the evaluation process, evaluation formulas, penalties, model house supervision, dividing different categories according to such as real model rooms, "off-site setting" model rooms, delivery standard model rooms and non-delivery standard model rooms..





On March 2, 2020, the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission issued the "Ecological Environmental Protection Work Plan and Measures for 2020".

Objectives: Continue to steadily promote the assembly construction work, and strive to achieve the proportion of assembly construction in the new construction area of more than 30% by 2020; continue to strengthen the management requirements of assembly construction projects, strictly control the quality of the project; issue financial incentive policies; mobilize market participation enthusiasm.


On April 7, 2020, the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Commission, the Beijing Municipal Planning and Nature Commission, and the Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau jointly issued the "Interim Provisions for the Management of Municipal Award Funds for Beijing's Prefabricated Buildings, Green Buildings, and Green Ecological Demonstration Zone Projects”. which stipulates that the maximum reward for a single project of green buildings is 8 million yuan, 180 yuan for each square meter of prefabricated buildings, and the long-term evaluation mechanism is introduced in the incentive policy of green ecological demonstration areas.





On March 19, 2020, the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, the Shanghai Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee, and the Shanghai Finance Bureau jointly formulated the “Special Support Measures for Shanghai’s Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Demonstration Projects”. This revision adjusts the subsidy method according to the evaluation standards for prefabricated buildings. For those with an evaluation rating of AA, the subsidy is 60 yuan/m2, and the AAA subsidy is 100 yuan/m2. At the same time, the building scale requirements are relaxed to more than 10,000 m2. In addition, the green building two-star subsidy is 50 yuan/m2, and the green building Samsung is 100 yuan/m2.


On March 30, 2020, the Shanghai Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission issued the "Green Building Evaluation Standards", which divided the green building grade into four grades: basic, one-star, two-star, and three-star. The evaluation index system is composed of 5 categories of indicators including safety, durability, health and comfort, convenience of life, resource conservation, and environmental livability, and each category of indicators includes control items and scoring items, and there are additional points for improvement and innovation. The new standard will be implemented on July 1.


On April 23, 2020, the Shanghai Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee implemented the "Shanghai Green Building Management Measures (Draft)": Qualified new-built civil buildings, industrial buildings and urban infrastructure should adopt the method of prefabricated construction; at the same time, promote fully-renovated housing, the proportion of fully-furnished area of newly built commercial housing, public rental housing, and low-rent housing should meet the requirements of the municipal construction administrative department; and encourage the promotion of interior industrialization technology in fully-renovated housing, and promote the overall quality of fully-renovated housing.


On April 24, 2020, Shanghai Construction Engineering Safety and Quality Supervision Station promulgated the "Key Points and Implementation Opinions on Construction Quality Supervision and Management Work in 2020" to fully implement the quality and lifelong responsibility system of construction units, continue to promote the engineering quality and safety manual system, and promote residential projects quality information disclosure, promote the city’s residential quality potential defect insurance system, improve the waterproof quality supervision of prefabricated concrete projects, strengthen the comparison of residential house acceptance quality, improve the quality supervision of assembly overall structural projects, and carry out prefabricated structural quality Research on prevention and treatment of common problems.





On March 5, 2020, the Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Implementation Requirements for Prefabricated Buildings in the Design Phase", which emphasizes that government-invested large and medium-sized projects should fully implement prefabricated buildings. The construction projects that require bidding, auction and sale conditions to implement the construction method of prefabricated buildings shall be implemented in accordance with the contract requirements.



On January 17, 2020, the Zhongshan City Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and the Zhongshan City Natural Resources Bureau jointly issued the "Notice on Building Area Awards for Prefabricated Construction Projects" from the date of issuance to December 31, 2025. The implementation object of the rewarded building area in the area is that the construction unit voluntarily adopts prefabricated buildings on its own land, and the construction projects that pass the evaluation of prefabricated buildings meet the Guangdong Province "Assembly Building Evaluation Standard" (DBJ/T 15-163- 2019) If the evaluation level is basic, A, AA, and AAA, the total construction area of the project is 2.7%, 2.8%, 2.9%, and 3.0% of the non-capacity construction area. In the same piece of land, the total construction area of the award excluding capacity shall not exceed 3% of the total area of prefabricated buildings, and the cumulative accumulation shall not exceed 5000 square meters.




On March 4, 2020, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Key Points of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work in 2020". The document emphasizes the optimization of the construction industry structure and the development of prefabricated buildings, ensuring that the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the province will account for 30% of new construction area by the end of 2020. At the same time, it actively promotes the assembly and decoration, and promotes the integrated development of prefabricated buildings, green buildings and finished housing.


On March 27, 2020, the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government issued the "Provincial Government's Opinions on Promoting the Development of Green Industries", carried out in-depth green building creation actions, promoted green construction, actively and steadily developed prefabricated buildings, promoted assembly decoration, and promoted green building materials Develop pilot demonstrations of ultra-low-energy buildings and near-zero energy buildings.


On April 3, 2020, the Joint Conference Office of Jiangsu Province Construction Industry Modernization Promotion Work released the "Key Points of 2020 Work for the Construction Industry Modernization of the Province". It is stipulated that the newly-built prefabricated construction area will be 49.54 million square meters in 2020, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the province will account for 30% of the new construction area, and two new expected indicators for assembly and decoration and personnel training will be added. It is 19.27 million square meters, and the proportion of newly-built assembly-fitting residential buildings has reached 15%.



On June 12, 2020, after a lapse of three years, the Suzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau issued the “Notice on Announcement of the Reference Price of Suzhou’s Housing Decoration and Attachments for 2020”, which clarified six categories of decoration, including ground, ceiling, and wall. There are five different decoration levels for the surface, doors, windows, other and attachments. At the same time, the policy is clear. The decoration and equipment required by the housing structure level will no longer be evaluated when evaluating the decoration equipment. If the decoration equipment that the house should have is not, the corresponding decoration equipment items will be deducted from the house evaluation price after calculation. The decoration and equipment required by the housing structure grade shall be subject to the increase and decrease in price when there are different items.



On June 23, 2020, the Planning and Construction Bureau of Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone issued the "Quality Management Methods for Fully Decorated and Delivered Residential Buildings in Kunshan Development Zone (Trial)", which covers planning, approval, construction, sales, acceptance, delivery, and later stages of fully decorated residential buildings Each process, such as maintenance, has specific management regulations. The Methodsdemand that development zone planning and construction bureau, market supervision branch bureau, comprehensive law enforcement bureau, social management bureau, administrative approval bureau, environmental safety bureau, clarify the division of labor of each department, and form a department linkage management mechanism.



Wuxi Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau emphasizes the focus of this year's prefabricated construction work: the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the city will reach more than 30% in 2020. By 2025, the assembly rate of new construction in the province will reach more than 50%, and the proportion of newly built finished houses will reach above 50. Strengthen the whole-process supervision of prefabricated buildings, strengthen the quality management of prefabricated buildings, implement relevant incentive measures, clarify the proportion requirements of prefabricated buildings in the transfer conditions of new plots, provide institutional guarantee for the promotion of modernization of the construction industry, invest nearly 10 million yuan in building energy conservation and the modernization of the construction industry.

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