"Provincial Construction Cup" Hunan Provincial Prefabricated Construction Industry Basketball Tournament ended successfully, and the Blue Sky Dolphin won the prize




Gao Dongshan, the first-level inspector of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, announced the successful conclusion of the competition

The 10-day 2020 "Provincial Construction Cup" Hunan Provincial Prefabricated Construction Industry Basketball Tournament ended successfully in Changsha on the 3rd. The Blue Sky Dolphin was awarded the honorary certificate of "Winning Award".

The competition is guided by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, and hosted by the Housing Industrialization Promotion Association of Hunan Province and Hunan Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. This is a grand event for the prefabricated construction industry in Hunan Province to "make friends with the ball and promote exchanges in the industry". A total of 19 unit teams participated.

As a member of the prefabricated construction industry, Blue Sky Dolphin actively participates in and goes all out, and has friendly exchanges with competitors after each game. It fully demonstrates the good spirit of Hunan Province's prefabricated construction and the Hunan Army's hardworking spirit, and reflects the quality and temperament of the prefabricated construction industry to be first-class and dare to fight. In the future, we will also bring the good spirits, tenacious fighting spirit and character temperament of the competition into the work, bravely overcome difficulties, create good results, and continue to write the style and glory of the prefabricated building of the Hunan Army.

In a cheerful atmosphere, Gao Dongshan, the first-level inspector of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, officially announced the successful conclusion of the 2020 "Provincial Construction Cup" Hunan Prefabricated Construction Industry Basketball Tournament.

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