Tianjin: "Green" relocation of prefabricated buildings



According to the Thirteenth Five-Year Development Plan for Prefabricated Buildings in Tianjin, by the end of this year, prefabricated buildings in the city will account for more than 30% of the newly built building area. In the relocation project in Dazhangzhuang Demonstration Town, Beichen District, the assembly rate of each building reached 30%. Compared with traditional craftsmanship, prefabricated buildings are more green and environmentally friendly, and at the same time, construction efficiency is greatly improved, allowing ordinary people to move in as soon as possible.

Tianjin Beichen Dazhangzhuang project is located in Dazhangzhuang Demonstration Town, Beichen District, and is a relocation project. China Metallurgical Tiangong Group undertook to build 35 residential buildings with a total construction area of 245,494 square meters, meeting the needs of 2088 residents. Up to now, all 31 buildings have been capped, and the remaining four buildings are expected to be capped by the end of December.

It is reported that prefabricated buildings are not only a major change in construction methods, but also an important measure for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. Compared with the traditional construction industry with high energy consumption, high emission and high pollution, prefabricated buildings can shorten the construction period, reduce labor dependence, and reduce construction dust and noise pollution, reduce construction waste and sewage discharge, and better meet the development requirements of building an ecologically livable modern Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

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