Heilongjiang Province Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration Park has completed an output value of 410 million yuan by the end of October



The Top 100 Projects in Heilongjiang Province-Heilongjiang Province Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration Park, 5 enterprises entering the park since the resumption of production in early April this year, although affected by the epidemic, as of the end of October, the output value was 410 million yuan and tax revenue was 50 million yuan.

Heilongjiang Province Construction Industry Modernization Demonstration Park is located in Xinhua New District, Xinli Street, Acheng District, Harbin, covering an area of 1.26 million square meters. The overall construction of the project is divided into three phases, and the first phase of the industrial park will be put into operation from the end of 2018 to June 2019.

The park management company has now been incorporated into the Acheng District Economic Development Zone, and the Acheng Economic Development Zone Management Committee has set up office locations for the park management company and enjoys the same preferential policies. Build a 5G smart park, and it is expected to start construction of 5G base stations in December.

After more than two years of operation, the park has been rated as a national prefabricated construction industry base (park category), the first comprehensive prefabricated construction industry demonstration base in Heilongjiang Province, and the first batch of prefabricated construction industrial worker training bases in Heilongjiang Province.

According to reports, the park will carry out in-depth cooperation with the government of Acheng District to jointly create the largest and most influential construction industry full-chain demonstration park in Northeast China, and bring the industrial park into full play in the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in our province.

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