Hefei builds "Anhui No. 1 Station" for building industrialization and intelligent construction



On November 29, the reporter learned from the Hefei Urban and Rural Construction Bureau that Anhui Jiangong Beicheng Industrial Company officially opened and put into production. The project is benchmarked against the design concept of Xiong'an New District, building industrialization and intelligent construction of "Anhui No. 1 Station" in Hefei.

Anhui Jiangong Beicheng Industrial Co., Ltd., with a total investment of 220 million yuan, will become an important construction industrialization production base in the city and even in Anhui, covering the entire industrial chain of prefabricated building design, research and development, component production, logistics, and construction. The project is equipped with a domestic first-class integrated production line of prefabricated building components, a fully enclosed mixing plant, a laboratory, etc., which can achieve an annual production scale of 50,000 m³ of prefabricated components and 50,000 m³ of tube segments.

What is eye-catching is that the project is benchmarked against the industrialization of the standard building "Xiong'an New District No. 1 Station". It has exceeded the current market level for more than 5 years in terms of environmental protection and intelligence in accordance with the advanced design concept requirements of the country.

In recent years, Hefei has adhered to the path of green development, actively marched into the industrialization of construction, and insisted on the development of intelligent construction. It has already ranked first in the country in terms of volume and technical level. With the commissioning of the "Anhui No. 1 Station" this time, it will promote the high-quality development of the local construction industry and achieve greater results.

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