Guangdong Province: Prefabricated buildings start the "Shenzhen brand"


In 2017, Shenzhen was one of the only demonstration cities in Guangdong Province that was selected as a national prefabricated building. The reporter learned that at present, the policy system for the development of prefabricated buildings in Shenzhen has been basically completed, the standard system has been gradually improved, project construction has been gradually rolled out, the industrial supporting facilities have become increasingly mature, and the talent team has begun to take shape. This is highly representative in the national prefabricated building demonstration cities.

In recent years, Shenzhen has successively issued 15 heavy policies such as the "Notice on Accelerating the Promotion of Prefabricated Buildings" and "Guiding Rules for EPC Project General Contract Bidding Work", which has established a policy system that combines rigid constraints and incentives. Especially after years of continuous efforts, Shenzhen's standard system in the field of prefabricated buildings basically covers the whole process of prefabricated building design, production, construction, and acceptance. A multi-level standard system based on national standards, supported by landmarks, and supplemented by group standards has been preliminarily formed. Data show that in 2015, the total scale of prefabricated construction in Shenzhen was 480,000 square meters, and in 2019, this figure was 24 million square meters, a 50-fold increase in 5 years. In the first half of 2020, the prefabricated construction area in Shenzhen was 5.73 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of nearly 100%, accounting for 30.7% of the total newly started area. At the same time, the total construction scale of prefabricated buildings was nearly 30 million square meters.

It is worth mentioning that while the scale continues to grow, the quality of prefabricated buildings in Shenzhen is also continuously improving. Among them, the Shenzhen campus project of Harbin Institute of Technology won the Luban Award, and the Kumark Building project won the Guangdong Steel Award; 11 projects including Yujing Happy Home were awarded the Guangdong Provincial Prefabricated Building Demonstration Project, accounting for 41% of the total number of award-winning projects in the province.

The prefabricated building industry chain in Shenzhen has covered various fields such as construction, design, construction, parts and components production, consulting, etc. The number of participating companies continues to grow, and the industrial supporting facilities are increasingly mature. Among them, the number of development and construction units increased from 6 in 2015 to 97 in 2019. At the same time, Shenzhen has also created a number of leading enterprises, incubating and cultivating 13 national-level prefabricated construction industry bases, 24 provincial-level bases and 29 municipal-level bases, which are far ahead of the country and the province. Formed a multi-level echelon from industry leaders to growth-oriented enterprises, showing a good momentum of full stamina, forming a prefabricated building "Shenzhen brand".

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