2020 "Provincial Construction Engineering Cup" Hunan Provincial Prefabricated Construction Industry Basketball Tournament Opens




On November 24, the 2020 "Provincial Construction Cup" Hunan Provincial Prefabricated Construction Industry Basketball Tournament opened in Changsha City.


On the afternoon of November 24th, the 2020 "Provincial Construction Cup" Hunan Provincial Prefabricated Construction Industry Basketball Tournament, Guided by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province, sponsored by Hunan Housing Industrialization Promotion Association and Hunan Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., co-organized by Hunan Lugu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Hunan Shaping Construction Co., Ltd., Hunan Sanyu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., and China Machinery International Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. , executed by Changsha Qiyuan Sports Development Co., Ltd. and Hunan Ruili Energy Bo Information Technology Co., Ltd. opened in Changsha.


All stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.


He Ling, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province presided over the opening ceremony.


Chen Hao, rotating chairman of Hunan Housing Industrialization Promotion Association, member of the Party Committee of Hunan Construction Engineering Group, deputy general manager and chief engineer, delivered a speech.


The athlete representative swears.


The referee representative swears.

At the opening ceremony, accompanied by passionate music, each representative team entered the stadium in turn. The athletes were full of energy and fighting spirit. After the lineup was reviewed, a solemn flag raising ceremony was held on the spot. Gao Dongshan, the first-level inspector of the Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, announced the start of the competition. The first game ushered in the game between the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department and the Superstar Group. After a fierce competition between the two sides, in the end, the provincial housing construction team beat the superstar set team 66:35.



It is understood that the participating teams are based on enterprises, including 19 units including the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Construction Department, Hunan Construction Engineering Group, Lugu Construction Engineering, and Shaping Construction. Each unit organizes a male team to register for the competition. Each team has 1 team leader, 1 coach, 1 assistant coach, and 12 players.


The game adopts the "Basketball Rules" issued by the FIBA in 2019 and the latest rules interpretation. The first stage is divided into 4 groups, and a single round-robin competition is conducted, and the top 2 teams in each group will qualify; the second stage is a cross-elimination competition. The result of the game is expected to be released on December 3.

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