Chinese bridge construction adopts 5G+ assembly method for the first time


On November 17, the two swivel bridges of the viaduct expressway in the inner ring of Jining City, Shandong Province were successfully swivelled into place at the same time. The 5G+ assembly method was adopted for bridge construction in China for the first time.

According to Yuan Zihua, the project leader of the 12th section of Jining Expressway of China Railway 22nd Bureau Group, the main spans of the two T-structure swivels of the Jining Urban Inner Ring Viaduct are both 116 meters, and the main piers are located on the north and south sides of the Xinyan Railway. 

Xinyan Railway is an existing dual-track electrified mixed passenger and freight line, with an average train passing every 15 minutes. "The two swivel bridges each weigh 13,000 tons, and they cross the existing Xinyan Railway at the same time at a railway'skylight point'. The construction risk is very high." In order to ensure safe, simultaneous and accurate rotation within a limited time, the project department scientifically formulated construction plans and repeated deductions. They especially use 5G communication technology to realize the call command guarantee, and realize the turn and docking in seconds.

The project also uses a centralized factory prefabrication method to produce piers, cap beams and bridges, which are then transported to the site for "building blocks" assembly. For a viaduct with a length of about 3.07 kilometers, the project will complete the on-site installation of 118 piers and 86 precast bridges. According to reports, according to the traditional on-site bridge construction method, the construction of the pier column would take more than 400 days to complete, and the cost is also very high. Now, the project department adopts the bridge assembly construction technology, which can install 3 piers every day, and the installation is completed in only 120 days. The construction speed is 3.3 times the original.

The 41-kilometer-long inner ring elevated expressway in the main urban area of Jining adopts a two-lane six-lane, with a design speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The project is expected to complete the main line before the end of 2020.

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