Summary of the targets and supporting policies of prefabricated buildings throughout the country in the first half of 2020 (I)






Target: By the end of 2020, district-based cities will generally cultivate or introduce integrated design and construction enterprises; the province will cultivate about 10 provincial-level prefabricated building industrial bases, with a production capacity of 10 million m2, and the proportion of prefabricated buildings accounting for new construction area shall be 15%. By 2025, no less than 3 integrated design and construction enterprises will be cultivated or introduced in each district-based city, and a prefabricated construction enterprise integrating design, production and construction will be formed; more than 50 provincial-level prefabricated buildings will be cultivated in the province Industrial bases, 3-5 provincial-level prefabricated construction industrial parks, with a production capacity of 50 million m2, prefabricated buildings account for 30% of the newly-built construction area, basically forming an prefabricated construction industrial base based on Anhui and the Yangtze River Delta.


Support: land security; financial support; fiscal support


——Opinions of the People's Government of Anhui on Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Construction Industry




Target: By 2020, the city's prefabricated buildings will strive to reach 10 million m2, and prefabricated buildings will account for 20% of new buildings. Among them, the key promotion areas (Luyang District, Shushan District, Baohe District, Yaohai District, Economic Development Zone, High-tech Zone, and Xinzhan District), and actively promotion areas (Anhui Chaohu Economic Development Zone, Chaohu City, Feixi District, Feidong District, Changfeng District, Lujiang District). The newly-built prefabricated building area in 2020 is not less than 800,000 m2, 500,000 m2 respectively.


Support: implement FAR incentives; optimize deposit payment; strengthen fiscal and financial support.


——Main points of prefabricated construction work in Hefei in 2020




Support: For newly-built prefabricated building production bases, a one-time reward shall be given according to 10% of the investment in fixed assets such as workshops and equipment (excluding land cost), and the maximum shall not exceed 6 million yuan; local enterprises are encouraged to transform into prefabricated building enterprises. Enterprises undertaking prefabricated construction projects in the municipal area, with an assembly rate of more than 50%, will be rewarded at 30 yuan/m2, with a maximum of 6 million yuan per project.


——Some measures to further cultivating and strengthening construction enterprises in Bozhou City






Support: Provide financial incentives for prefabricated construction projects. When the assembly rate is not less than 70% and the prefabrication rate is not less than 50%, an incentive fund of 180 yuan/m2 will be given to these projects; for voluntary implementation projects with the assembly rate not less than 50% and the building height is lower than 60 meters (inclusive), an incentive fund of 180 yuan/m2 will be given to these projects; when the prefabrication rate is not less than 40%, and the prefabrication rate is not less than 20%, as well as the building height is more than 60 meters, an incentive fund of 180 yuan/m2 is given. The prefabrication rate is not less than 40%, and the incentive fund of 180 yuan/m2 will be given.

The projects applying for incentive funds shall be rewarded according to the above-ground construction area, and the above-ground construction area shall not be less than 5000 m2. The maximum award fund for a single project shall not exceed 25 million yuan. The incentive funds are mainly used for consulting, design, production, construction, operation and maintenance of assembly-type construction projects.


——"Interim Measures for the Administration of Municipal Award Funds for Beijing's Prefabricated Buildings, Green Buildings and Green Ecological Demonstration Zone Projects"






Target: Ensure that the prefabricated buildings of our city shall account for more than 15% of the new construction area in 2020, and the main urban area will reach more than 30%; cultivate modern construction industrial parks and improve the entire prefabricated building industry chain; declare 3-5 national demonstration bases and 1-2 national demonstration cities.


Support: Formulate specific management rules for incorporating prefabricated building requirements into land transfer conditions and pre-sale of prefabricated building commercial houses to ensure that supporting policies are effective.


—— "Key Points of Construction Technology and Foreign Cooperation in 2020"






Target: Vigorously promote prefabricated internal and external wall panels, staircases, and floor slabs in 2020, actively promote prefabricated curbs, prefabricated inspection wells and other components in municipal road projects, promote steel structures in urban bridges, large public buildings, and rural residences, encourage Frame structure engineering projects steadily promote prefabricated vertical force members.


——Notice on the implementation of key work in the construction industry




Target: By the end of 2025, the proportion of construction area of prefabricated buildings accounted for new construction (With the time of obtaining the land transfer as the boundary, the same below) shall meet the work requirements of the State Council and the provincial government. Cultivate a number of large-scale enterprises in design, construction and production of parts and components, as well as professional skill teams corresponding to them.


Support: pre-sales handling; loan concessions; credit encouragement; preferential evaluation; tax concessions.


——Implementation Opinions on Xiamen City to Accelerate the Development of Prefabricated Buildings






Target: Promote the implementation of the requirements of the Guangdong Provincial Government Office No.(2017)28, find out the basics, compact the target responsibilities, accelerate the project construction, ensure the completion of the 2020 prefabricated building development goals set by the provincial government, and build new prefabricated buildings in the province. The proportion of buildings in the newly-built building area shall reach more than 15%; promote the development of steel-structured houses in cities with excellent conditions; establish a regular announcement system for the development of prefabricated buildings. Before the end of 2020, carry out an assessment of the development of prefabricated buildings.


——Key points of the province's building energy conservation and construction technology and informatization in 2020



Target: Encourage more construction projects outside the plan to use prefabricated buildings. New construction and construction projects that meet the requirements of prefabricated buildings may apply for building area incentives.


Support: For those projects that voluntarily adopt prefabricated buildings and meet the evaluation standards of Guangdong Provincial "Assembly Building Evaluation Standard" (DBJ/T 15-163-2019) as basic level, A level, AA level and AAA level, respectively award the non-capacity construction area that account for 2.7%, 2.8%, 2.9%, 3.0% of the total amount of construction area. In the same piece of land, the total construction area of the award excluding capacity shall not exceed 3% of the total area of prefabricated buildings, and the cumulative accumulation shall not exceed 5000 m2.


——"Notice on the Implementation of Building Area Incentive Measures for Prefabricated Construction Projects"





Target: Focus on promoting areas (including Qingcheng District and Qingxin District). By the end of 2020, the proportion of prefabricated construction area will account for more than 15% of new construction area, of which the prefabricated construction area of government investment projects will account for more than 30%.

Before the end of 2025, prefabricated buildings shall account for more than 30% of newly built buildings, of which prefabricated buildings shall account more than 50% of government-invested projects.


Support: Strengthen planning guidance; optimize approval; strengthen land policy support; strengthen fiscal and tax support; increase financial support.


——Implementation Opinions of Qingyuan City to vigorously develop prefabricated buildings






Target: By 2020, cultivate 6 intelligent manufacturing enterprises and digital factories; by 2025, cultivate 15 intelligent manufacturing enterprises and digital factories. Pilot cities will fully use prefabricated buildings. Strive to spend about 10 years to make the prefabricated buildings in the district account for 30% of the new construction area.


Support: Strengthen support for policy land use; reduce the tax burden of enterprises; increase financial support.


——"Notice on Several Measures to Support the Development of Guangxi's New Prefabricated Building Materials Industry"





Target: Government-invested or dominated public buildings such as culture, education, office, sanitation, sports, and old city renovation, shantytown renovation, and urban comprehensive pipe corridors should take the lead in adopting prefabricated buildings. Commercial housing is encouraged to be built using prefabricated construction methods. Large-span, large-space, super high-rise buildings over 100 meters, municipal bridges and public buildings with a single building area of more than 20,000 m2, actively promote the application of assembled steel structures.


Support: Focus on the introduction of supporting policies in areas such as financial capital awards, land use guarantees, floor area rate awards, priority handling of pre-sale permits, sales prices, preferential taxes and fees, and special funds for scientific research.


——Notice of Gansu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on further advancing prefabricated construction work

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