Heilongjiang Province: Mudanjiang City will pilot social capital to participate in the transformation of old urban communities



At the 19th China International Housing Industry and Construction Industrialization Products and Equipment Expo that closed in Beijing a few days ago, the Mudanjiang Municipal People's Government and the Science and Technology and Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development signed the "Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting Mudanjiang City's Social Capital Participation in the Reconstruction Mode of Old Urban Communities".

To comprehensively promote the transformation of old communities in cities and towns, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for the government, residents and social forces to reasonably share the funds for transformation, accelerate the cultivation of large-scale implementation and operation entities, and use market-oriented methods to attract social forces to participate. This is also an important entry point to meet the needs of the people for a better life, promote the benefits of people’s livelihood, expand domestic demand, promote urban renewal and transformation of development and construction methods, and promote high-quality economic development.

According to the content of the agreement, the Mudanjiang Municipal People's Government will give full play to the government's organizational and coordination advantages, promote relevant departments to provide policy support for the urban old community reconstruction project, and promote the realization of market players' participation in the urban old community reconstruction and operation service commercial sustainable development. The Science and Technology and Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will increase relevant support and promote the formation of a sustainable new model for the transformation of old communities through the cultivation of professional institutions.

The two parties will work together to accelerate the innovation and implementation of various supporting policies, create a good environment, and stimulate the endogenous motivation of market players to participate. Accelerate the establishment of a market-oriented operation and sustainable development of urban and old community transformation models, and provide the country with experience and practices that can be replicated and promoted.

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