By 2022, 70% of new urban buildings in Liaoning Province will be "green"


In the next two years, it will be a high probability event for the people of the province to buy a house with a green building. On November 18, the reporter learned from the Liaoning Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that from now on, Liaoning Province will start green building creation with urban buildings as the object of creation. By 2022, the green building area of new urban buildings will account for 70%. At the same time, promote the renovation of existing civil buildings in accordance with the green building standards, and continuously improve the health of residences, thus forming a social atmosphere that advocates green living.

Green building refers to the maximum saving of resources during the whole life cycle of the building, including energy saving, land saving, water saving, material saving, etc., to protect the environment and reduce pollution. Provide people with healthy, comfortable and efficient use of space, and buildings that live in harmony with nature. Green building technology focuses on low consumption, high efficiency, economy, environmental protection, integration and optimization. It is the sharing of benefits between man and nature, now and the future, and a means of sustainable development.

According to the relevant responsible comrades of the Liaoning Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department, the green building creation action is carried out by 7 departments including the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission in accordance with the overall requirements of the national green life creation as an important work of the urban renewal action plan. The main tasks are:

Improve the overall management level of green buildings, including strengthening green building planning, design, construction, acceptance and operation management. All cities shall formulate and implement green building development plans and incorporate them into the overall plans and detailed plans of cities and towns, strengthen the review of green building construction drawings, standardize green building construction, and strengthen completion acceptance management.

By 2022, 70% of new urban buildings in Liaoning Province will be "green"

Green building comprehensive demonstration project-Jinzhou World Garden Expo Park International Ancient Ecological Pavilion.

Green life is inseparable from technological innovation and the application of green building materials. To this end, Liaoning Province will actively explore the application of new technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, construction robots, BIM, and CIM in the field of engineering construction, and promote the integration and development of green construction and new technologies. Strengthen the promotion and application of new green building technologies, new processes, new materials, and new equipment, formulate, publish and timely update the green building promotion, use, restricted, and prohibited technologies and product catalogs.

At the same time, Liaoning Province will also promote the energy-saving and water-saving transformation of existing residential buildings in combination with clean heating, the renovation of old urban communities, and the construction of sponge cities. In conjunction with the preparation of epidemic prevention and control, the relevant standards for healthy housing will be issued to improve the health and safety performance indicators of indoor air quality, temperature and humidity, water quality, sound insulation, light, and old age, and improve the physical, visual and psychological comfort of residents. Promote the application of green and healthy technologies such as new wall insulation systems, fresh air systems, direct drinking water systems, and green lighting in residential buildings, build a number of healthy residential demonstration projects, strengthen residential health performance design requirements, improve green building testing technologies, and strictly manage completion acceptance.

By 2022, 70% of new urban buildings in Liaoning Province will be "green"

Green building facilities in residential quarters.

In addition, Liaoning Province will also vigorously promote assembly and construction methods, actively promote the construction of steel structure prefabricated housing, and promote the development of steel structure industry chain development models in Anshan, Benxi, Yingkou, Liaoyang and other cities, and establish a green housing user supervision mechanism. Formulate the "Guidelines for Green Housing Buyers' Home Inspection" to encourage all localities to include the main indicators of residential green performance and full decoration quality into commercial housing sales contracts, residential quality guarantees and residential user manuals, and clarify quality warranty responsibilities and dispute settlement methods.

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