Ya'an Market Supervision Bureau of Sichuan Province guides enterprises to build a prefabricated building development system



Recently, the Standardization Section of the Ya'an Market Supervision Bureau and his party guided Ya'an Chengjian Industrial Construction Co., Ltd. to formulate the first batch of municipal local standards in the field of construction industrialization.

In order to fully implement the Provincial and Municipal "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Implementing Prefabricated Buildings", the city’s first batch of "Specifications for Delivery of Prefabricated Building Parts and Components Part 1: Assembly" with Ya'an Chengjian Industrial Construction Co., Ltd. as the drafting unit "Prefabricated construction parts and components delivery specification Part 2: Prefabricated laminated beams", "Prefabricated construction parts and components delivery specification Part 3: Prefabricated stairs" 3 municipal local standards, which are about to enter the standard drafting stage. It is expected to be released and implemented next year.

With the continuous development of the city's prefabricated industries, the comprehensive promotion of prefabricated buildings must be guided by standardization to achieve industrial scale and achieve expected benefits. Establishing and improving the standard system of prefabricated building parts will effectively improve the quality, quality and assembly rate of the city's prefabricated building parts and components, and accelerate the transformation of the development mode of the construction industry.

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