Taizhou, Jiangsu: 500,000 yuan support will be given to each provincial-level construction industry modernization demonstration base



In order to promote the structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and enhance the gold content and influence of the "Taizhou Construction" brand, the Taizhou Municipal People's Government Office recently issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Construction Industry in the City". In terms of promoting the development of prefabricated buildings, the "Implementation Opinions" put forward:

Actively promote the construction of prefabricated industrial parks, demonstration bases and projects to form a large-scale prefabricated industrial chain.

Housing construction clearly adopts the prefabricated construction ratio requirements in the land transfer planning conditions and land transfer plans. Government-invested projects that meet the technical requirements of prefabricated construction should take the lead in adopting the prefabricated construction method.

Vigorously promote the integration of housing design, construction, and decoration, and include finished housing decoration projects into the scope of quality supervision.

By 2022, the city's prefabricated buildings will account for 40% of the newly built building area, and 12 prefabricated demonstration bases and 20 prefabricated demonstration projects will be cultivated in total.

For real estate projects constructed using prefabricated construction methods, if the capital invested in the development and construction reaches more than 25% of the total project construction investment, and the project is completed at more than one level of standard level, you can apply for a commercial housing pre-sale permit from the competent department.

The municipal government will give 500,000 yuan of financial support to each demonstration base for the provincial-level construction industry modernization demonstration base. For projects that have won the provincial-level construction industry modernization demonstration project, the municipal government will give the construction unit a maximum of 1 million yuan in financial support. The people's government of each city (district) may combine its own actual matching reward funds.

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