Jiangxi Province builds an internationally competitive "Jiangxi Construction" brand



In order to give full play to the pillar role of the construction industry in the national economy, increase the contribution rate of the construction industry to Jiangxi's economic development, promote the adjustment and transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and promote the high-quality development of the construction industry. A few days ago, Jiangxi issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of the Construction Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). The "Opinions" put forward six key tasks including deepening the reform of construction methods, strengthening scientific and technological support, expanding enterprise development space, optimizing the business service environment, standardizing the order of the construction market, and strengthening the construction of talent teams.

The "Opinions" put forward that it is necessary to vigorously promote green construction and prefabricated construction, increase the application of intelligent construction in all aspects of engineering construction, promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization, make construction enterprises better and stronger, and improve their core competitiveness and innovation. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the quality assurance system, improve the quality of construction projects, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, create an internationally competitive "Jiangxi Construction" brand, and achieve high-quality development of the construction industry.

According to the development goals, by 2022, the total output value of the construction industry in Jiangxi Province will reach more than 1 trillion yuan, and the added value of the construction industry will account for 8.3% of GDP. The development level of prefabricated buildings is further improved, and the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the total area of newly built buildings exceeds 30%. Leading enterprises have significantly enhanced their driving ability. There are more than 10 enterprises with an annual output value of more than 10 billion yuan, and construction enterprises with an annual output value of more than 100 billion yuan have achieved zero breakthroughs. Listed companies have achieved zero breakthroughs, and strive to reach three, with a more complete quality assurance system, and significantly improved construction level and construction quality. By 2025, the total output value of the construction industry will reach 1.5 trillion yuan, the added value of the construction industry will account for 8.5% of GDP, and the newly started area of prefabricated buildings will account for 40% of the total area of newly built buildings. The policy system and industrial system for the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization have basically been established. The level of construction industrialization, digitalization and intelligentization has been significantly improved. The construction industry Internet platform has been initially established. Construction enterprises have significantly enhanced their technological innovation capabilities and their core competitiveness has been significantly improved.

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