Industry giants gather to discuss the new trend of green building


Recently, the 2020 China Building Energy Conservation Association Annual Conference and the 3rd National Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Technology Innovation Conference were held in Xiamen City. This is the first time that the innovation conference has entered Xiamen as a “green city sample”.

The conference was hosted by China Building Energy Association and undertaken by Leizhi Holding Group Co., Ltd. With the main purpose of promoting the innovation and development of building energy efficiency and the green building industry, industry leaders focused on topics such as green building and energy saving policy dynamics, innovative technologies and practical cases to give keynote speeches. The content is splendid, with a main forum and 6 parallel forums set up, combining offline interaction and online live broadcast, attracting a total of 72,000 participants online.

The reporter was informed that as of now, Xiamen has completed basic information and energy consumption statistics of 690 state office buildings and large public buildings for more than ten years. Completed basic information and sample energy consumption data statistics for 14,938 residential buildings and small and medium-sized public buildings, energy audits for 241 state office buildings and large public buildings, and energy efficiency publicity for 148 audited buildings. And more than 3 million square meters of state office buildings and large-scale public buildings energy-saving renovation.

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