Summary of the targets and supporting policies of prefabricated buildings throughout the country in 2019 (IV)




Target: Changan District, Lintong District, Yanliang District, Gaoling District, Eyi District, etc. actively promote regional construction projects. In 2019, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new construction will not less than 40%, and in 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new construction will not Less than 50%, and the assembly rate will not less than 20%. Zhouzhi District and Lantian District encourage the promotion of regional construction projects. Prefabricated buildings should account for no less than 20% of new buildings in 2019, and prefabricated buildings should account for no less than 30% of new buildings in 2020. The assembly rate shall be no less than 20%.


——The General Office of Xi'an Municipal People's Government issued a notice on further accelerating the development of prefabricated buildings




Target: By 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the city’s key promotion areas will exceed 20% of new construction, and actively promote the region to reach more than 10%. By 2025, the city’s construction rate will exceed 30%. The assembly rate of prefabricated buildings should reach "Building Evaluation Standard" (GB/T51129-2017).


Support: Prefabricated construction projects can give priority to the annual provincial building energy-saving special funds; for prefabricated construction parts and components manufacturing enterprises that meet the requirements of high-tech enterprises, the enterprise income tax rate applies to 15%, and the VAT is levied and refunded as required Supported by the fee policy; when the Grade II and Grade I emergency response measures for heavily polluted weather are released, the construction and installation of prefabricated buildings may not be stopped, but they may not engage in outdoor operations such as earth and stone excavation, stone cutting, slag transportation, and painting and painting.


——Weinan City vigorously promotes the implementation plan of prefabricated building development





Target: In 2019, 35 million m2 of prefabricated buildings will be started in the province. In 5 pilot cities, prefabricated buildings that shall be newly constructed should be 29.1 million m2, Chengdu 25 million m2, Guang'an 1.5 million m2, Leshan 800,000 m2 , Meishan 800,000 m2, and Liangshan 1 million m2. The newly added production capacity of assembled concrete parts and components is 1 million m3. Actively promote prefabricated buildings in the construction of rural houses such as poverty alleviation and relocation, and complete the pilot construction of 100 prefabricated public toilets. There are 3 pilot cities of prefabricated buildings and 10 provincial-level prefabricated industrial bases in the province.


Support: refine incentive policies and measures in areas such as land, finance, finance, taxes and fees, and promote the implementation of them. The prefabricated construction projects will be included in the enterprise credit evaluation plus points, and priority will be given to support in the excellent evaluation awards.


——Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Key Points of Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Construction in the Province in 2019"


Target: By 2022, the province will cultivate 6-8 steel structure backbone enterprises with an annual production capacity of 80,000-100,000 tons, and cultivate 2-3 Key laboratory or engineering technology research center in steel structure industry. Foster more than 10 enterprises of new wall materials and assembly decoration materials for the construction of steel-structured assembled houses. More than 5 million m2 of newly constructed steel structure assembled houses.


Support: land support; project transformation support of up to 3 million yuan for steel structure assembly demonstration projects included in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements; financial support; administrative license support; strengthening transportation management


——Sichuan Province to promote the construction of steel-frame assembled houses pilot work program




Target: By 2021, buildings with an assembly rate of more than 35%, accounting for 30% of new buildings; full-fledged renovation of new residential buildings will reach 50%; by 2025, the modern construction method of the construction industry will become one of the main construction methods. Buildings that have reached more than 50% will account for 40% of new buildings; bridge, water conservancy, and railway construction and assembly rates will reach 90%; and new residential buildings will have a total decoration of 70%.


Support: tax incentives; provident fund loan support; priority approval; loan tilt


——Mianyang Municipal People's Government's Opinions on Accelerating the Implementation of Assembly Construction Project




Target: before the end of 2019, the assembly rate of newly-built government-invested municipal infrastructure in the city will reach 10-15%; the assembly rate of new public toilets, parking lots, and reform of the farmers’ market will reach more than 15%; by 2020, a market suitable for the development of prefabricated buildings will basically be formed Mechanism and development environment, strive to cultivate 1-2 design companies proficient in the core technology of the modernization of the construction industry, in the construction of government-invested buildings, bridges, water conservancy, railways, roads, comprehensive pipe corridors, tunnels, municipal projects, etc. in our city Encourage the development of prefabricated buildings first.


——Work Notice of Zigong City Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau on Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings and BIM Technology




Target: By 2020, the city's prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of new buildings, the assembly rate will reach more than 30%, and the newly-built houses will be fully renovated to 50%; by 2025, the city will promote the use of prefabricated construction methods, with an assembly rate of 50 More than% of the buildings account for 40% of new buildings. In the construction of bridges, railways, roads, tunnels, comprehensive pipe corridors, municipal engineering, etc., all prefabricated assemblies are used except for cast-in-place. The total decoration of newly built residences reached 70%.


Support: guarantee project land; implement construction area incentives; give priority to pre-sale of commercial houses; financial support; tax support; financial support; bidding policy; transportation security.


——Vigorously develop prefabricated construction and accelerate the construction industry

   Opinions on the implementation of modernization development




Target: Take the lead in piloting government investment projects in 2019, and to cultivate and support 1-2 key leading enterprises in assembly. By 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new government investment projects will reach 30%, and the assembly rate will reach more than 35%. By 2021, the city has basically formed a market mechanism and development environment suitable for the development of prefabricated buildings. Prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of newly built buildings, and the assembly rate will reach over 35%. By 2025, the city will promote the use of prefabricated construction methods, buildings with an assembly rate of more than 50%, accounting for 40% of new buildings; bridges, roads, comprehensive pipe corridors, tunnels, municipal engineering and other construction, except for All cast-in-place cast-in-places are used; the rate of complete decoration of newly built residences will reach 70%.


Support: financial support; land use support; financial support; pay attention to preferential evaluation awards, projects with an assembly rate of more than 35%, enjoy green building policy subsidies, and give priority to supporting various types of excellent evaluation awards for assembled buildings in engineering construction.


—— Suining City vigorously develops the implementation plan of prefabricated buildings


Tibet Autonomous Region




Target: By 2022, ensure that the proportion of plateau assembly in national investment projects in pilot cities (Lhasa, Shigatse) will be not less than 25%, and the proportion in other cities and localities is not less than 15%. By 2025, ensure that the proportion of national investment projects in the pilot cities (Lhasa and Shigatse) will be not less than 30%, and the proportion of other cities and localities will be not less than 20%.


Support: land support; establishment of green channels for approval of plateau assembly-type buildings, area incentives, credit support, encouragement of various financial institutions, and housing provident fund management agencies to give preferential treatment to buyers who purchase assembly-type houses.


——"Special Planning for the Development of Plateau Assembly Buildings in the Tibet Autonomous Region" (2018-2025)






Target: By 2020, realize the development of prefabricated buildings from few to many. Prefabricated buildings shall account for more than 15% of the new construction area; Kunming, Qujing, Honghe, Yuxi, Chuxiong and other provincial key promotion areas shall strive to reach 20%. In 2025, realize the large-scale development of prefabricated buildings. Prefabricated buildings shall account for more than 30% of the new construction area, Kunming, Qujing, Honghe, Yuxi, Chuxiong and other provincial key promotion areas shall reach 40%, and the newly-built buildings are fully assembled and completed.


Support: financial support; service support; tax support.


——"Green Prefabricated Building and Industrial Development Plan of Yunnan Province (2019-2025)"




Target: 2020 development goal: encourage cities, counties (districts) to promote assembly according to conditions and local conditions

The development of prefabricated buildings has developed from few to many, and prefabricated buildings "go out", striving to achieve a zero breakthrough; by 2025: the proportion of green prefabricated buildings has been effectively promoted, and the proportion of green prefabricated buildings in new construction areas has increased significantly.


Support: financial support; service support; tax support.


——"Lincang City's Opinions on Promoting Green Prefabricated Construction and Industrial Development"




Target: By 2020, the proportion of green buildings and prefabricated buildings will reach 50%. Realize the development of prefabricated buildings from less to more. Quanzhou prefabricated construction strives to reach 20%, Quanzhou new construction fully furnished finished house delivery area strives to reach 30%, prefabricated concrete construction strives to fully meet the assembly decoration standard; by 2025, the proportion of green buildings and prefabricated construction will reach over 70%. To achieve large-scale development of prefabricated buildings. Prefabricated buildings accounted for 40% of the new construction area; newly-built buildings are fully assembled and finished, and the construction of the completed buildings will strive to reach more than 50%.


——"Comprehensive Implementation of Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Standards for Newly Built Civil Buildings in Chuxiong Prefecture"






Target: By 2020, the province will build a total of 5 million square meters of steel structured prefabricated houses, accounting for more than 12% of the area of new prefabricated houses, and build more than 10 demonstration projects of steel prefabricated houses, including pilot areas Cumulatively built over 3 million square meters of steel structured houses. By 2022, the province has built more than 8 million square meters of steel structured prefabricated houses, including 500,000 square meters of rural steel structure prefabricated houses.


Support: Invitation for bidding; priority to enjoy provincial construction special funding; Zhejiang provincial financial construction industrialization is inclined to pilot projects with award-substituting funds. Among them, the pilot project of rural steel-structured prefabricated houses is awarded in principle 200 yuan/m2.


——Zhejiang Province Promotes the Pilot Work Plan of Steel Structure Prefabricated Housing




Target: All new construction projects of affordable housing, government investment or government investment shall be assembled, and all new projects on the land transferred or allocated in Shaoxing downtown shall be assembled.


Support: 500,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan rewards will be awarded to those who have obtained international-level and provincial-level demonstration bases (enterprises).


——"Implementation Opinions of Shaoxing Municipal People's Government Office on Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of Construction Enterprises and Accelerating the Development of Construction Industry"


Target: By 2020, the city's steel-structured prefabricated houses will have a total of more than 400,000 m2 of new construction or account for more than 12% of the area of new prefabricated houses; newly built residential projects that are mainly government-invested will be fully implemented in steel structure assembly Construction; by 2022, the city’s steel structured prefabricated houses will have a total of more than 1 million m2 of new construction, of which rural steel structure prefabricated houses will have a total of more than 100,000 square meters of construction, or new rural steel structure prefabricated houses will account for new rural prefabricated houses. The proportion of residential area strives to reach more than 20%.


Support: Invited bidding or non-bidding as required for steel structured prefabricated residential projects; volume ratio incentives; for rural residential projects that meet the requirements of steel structure prefabricated construction, enjoy 10% of the construction cost of each district and county (city) according to the main body % On the basis of granting subsidies, the municipal government will also provide a subsidy of 100 yuan/m2 (the total amount shall not exceed 10 million yuan). If the pilot project of rural steel structure prefabricated houses in the province is successful, then the provincial finance will be rewarded with an award of 200 yuan/m2.


——"Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Development of Steel Structure Prefabricated Housing"

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