Over one million square meters of new green buildings in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province



In recent years, Jinzhou City has accelerated the promotion of green building construction based on the green building construction requirements of “land saving, energy saving, water saving, material saving and environmental protection”. Up to now, 59 civil construction projects have been started this year in the city, with a construction area of 1.067 million square meters, all of which are green buildings.

"Green building" refers to a high-quality building that saves resources, protects the environment, reduces pollution, provides people with healthy, applicable and efficient use of space, and maximizes the realization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. In order to ensure that it meets the requirements of green building standards, Jinzhou City has continuously strengthened the supervision of green building applications while doing a good job in planning and organizing training. Strictly do a good job in advance control, and for projects that are not designed according to the green building standards, no construction drawing review qualification certificate will be issued. Strictly do a good job of control in the event, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of building energy conservation and green building law enforcement during the construction process. For construction projects included in the key implementation scope of green buildings, construction permits will not be issued if they fail to plan and design in accordance with the green building standards, and fail the green building review and filing. Those that do not meet the requirements for green building acceptance shall not be accepted for the record.

This year, Jinzhou City has applied for a total of 250,000 yuan of special funds for building energy conservation and green buildings. Through the development of industry technical training, the professional technical level of employees has been greatly improved. In the city's special inspection of building energy efficiency and green buildings, in accordance with the principle of "double random, one open", random inspections of 9 projects under construction were organized, 11 batches of building energy-saving materials were sampled, and 8 rectification notices were issued. It has effectively promoted the implementation of laws and regulations related to green buildings.

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