"Six-dimensional intelligence" high standard positioning! Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei prefabricated industrial base put into production



Recently, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Prefabricated Industrial Base of CCCC Prefabricated Construction Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Prefabricated Industrial Base") officially went into operation in Langfang, Hebei, and will supply super-large-diameter shield segments for the Beijing East Sixth Ring Reconstruction Project.

CCCC Prefabricated Building Technology Co., Ltd. was jointly invested and established by CCCC First Public Bureau Group and CCCC Public Regulation Institute. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Prefabricated Industrial Base is the first innovative green intelligent manufacturing comprehensive industrial base constructed by CCCC Prefabricated Building Technology Co., Ltd. Located in the Industrial Park of Dacheng County, Langfang, Hebei, with a total area of more than 21,000 square meters, the production content mainly covers assembly products such as highways, municipalities, building fabricated components and super large diameter shield prefabricated segments. The base is positioned with a high standard of "six-dimensional intelligence", that is, smart planning and scheduling, smart production coordination, smart device connectivity, smart resource management, smart quality control, and smart data analysis. Realize the intelligent construction and management of the whole process, and strive to build a national prefabricated construction industry demonstration base integrating production, learning and research.


It is understood that the Beijing East Sixth Ring Road renovation project starts from the Jingha Expressway interchange in the south to Luyuan North Street in the north, with a total length of about 16 kilometers. The CCCC First Public Bureau Group undertook the construction of bid sections 4 and 6. The main construction content included tunnel shield tunneling and other tunnel construction, as well as Tuanli interchange, subgrade widening section, and road diversion projects. Among them, the section from Beijing-Tianjin Highway to Luyuan 2nd Street in Section 4 is a tunnel section with a total length of 9.2 kilometers. It is the longest underground road tunnel in China and the largest shield tunnel in mainland China. It is constructed using the "Great Wall" shield machine independently designed and developed by CCCC, and the required shield tunnel segments are manufactured by the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Base. The outer diameter of the shield tunnel segment is 15.4 meters, the wall thickness is 0.65 meters, the ring width is 2 meters, and the maximum weight of a single segment is 16.9 tons. It is a wedge-shaped universal segment, which is currently the largest diameter shield segment in North China.

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