Anhui Provincial Statistics Bureau went to Bengbu City to conduct research on the development of prefabricated construction industry


From November 3 to 4, Yin Biqiong, deputy director of the Investment Department of Anhui Statistics Bureau, and Hu Longxiang, a third-level chief officer, went to Bengbu to conduct research on the development of the prefabricated construction industry.

The investigation team visited the resettlement house project site in Macheng New District, Yuhui District, and the resettlement house project site in the shanty town (Plot B) of the diesel engine factory, and learned about the project construction progress with the on-site construction company and the construction material production unit to understand the business situation. Subsequently, the research team held a symposium on the development of the prefabricated construction industry in Bengbu in the conference room of the Municipal Bureau of Statistics. The Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology and other municipal departments respectively made detailed reports on the preferential policies to support the development of the prefabricated construction industry, the cultivation of prefabricated construction enterprises and the financial support in the region; Key enterprises such as Yuhui Construction Investment, Anhui Yuanding, Anhui Honglu Steel Structure, Bengbu Shenghong Technology, Bengbu Joint Construction, Bengbu Tongchuang Construction, Anhui Saite New Building Materials made detailed reports on the shortcomings of enterprise development, difficulties encountered in the construction process, raw material supply and market conditions, and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the future development direction and prospects of the enterprise.

The research team fully affirmed the achievements made in the development of the prefabricated construction industry in Bengbu City, and expressed support and approval of Bengbu’s support for the prefabricated construction enterprises to become bigger and stronger. It is hoped that Bengbu City will make persistent efforts to bring the development of prefabricated construction industry to a higher level.

Guan Jun, member of the party group and deputy director of the Bengbu Statistics Bureau, Li Lijuan, chief of the Investment Section, and director of the Yuhui District Statistics Bureau, accompanied the investigation.

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